
The weather continues to be cool and wet, which I have to admit that I like.  It’s great weather for this stage of spring, and will make it better for the farmers.  Maybe the poor snow cap won’t be such an issue after all?  Jerry was making me laugh this afternoon… he carefully waited until Don got up, then sneaked up and stole a slice of toast off his plate.  Then he ran around trying to find a place to bury it… he tried his blanket, the sofa, my feet… all the while whimpering and running around.  He lost it when Don returned and took it away from him.  Now he’s sulking about the unfairness of life 😆  Don was up late (and again this afternoon) watching the playoffs.  That’s 3 hockey games per day for the first round, and then add in the juniors and the women, and I barely get a pause from hockey!

I had such a good sleep last night; it’s so great to wake up feeling rested!  Then I had a massive (for me) breakfast; one egg, a sausage and a slice of toast.  I’m cooking a few things for dinner and lunch for a day or so.  I’d got an eggplant, and I want to cook it immediately, even if I freeze the cooked product.  My support worker was here and chopped up some vegetables for me so I can manage my meal more easily.

I spent a lovely time browsing project Gutenberg yesterday.  It’s got so many older books and it’s an easy way to reread classics.  I downloaded War of the Worlds and began reading it yesterday.  IMO, it holds up pretty well for a book that’s 125+ years old.  I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s enlightening to read. It also highlighted the difference between life before and after cellphones!  The Martians landed 40km or so from central London, and it took 2 days for the news to get around, although newspapers seemed to be able to issue new editions almost immediately upon getting any details.  Entire army troops were deployed by train or horse, and could only communicate by signalling — heliograph, semaphore — and there were a few telegraphs.  Just imagine the difference now — there would be uploaded videos and livestreams within seconds, although the same (or more) number of people would be killed by the “death rays” because they’ll stand there videoing as the creatures emerge and begin shooting!  

I’ve got a few more classics lined up to read over the next while.  All stories that I’d read as a child that were written in the 18th century, and mostly available on Gutenberg.  There are some more that aren’t there yet, but I was able to find in my local library, so I’ll lose myself in those too.  They’re all science fiction, and I like diving into those stories and seeing how far we’ve outstripped imagination or otherwise.  Many of them involve life on Mars or Venus, which we know definitively doesn’t exist in the forms we imagined.  Sadly, we still haven’t got to cities on the Moon or space elevators or affordable space tourism or hyperbolic trans global flights and a few other purely human creations that move us off planet.  

OK, I’m off to finish my cooking.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  Good night!


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