
🎼🎶 It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring.  He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn’t get up in the morning! 🎶 I love the rain, actually, and it’s just going to encourage more tulips, like these that my friend photographed in Vancouver recently.  It’s also been cooler, so normal spring temperatures and it’s enjoyable.  Jerry is tired after a day of schnoodle… he’s been running around with his ball, jumping on and off of me and is now lying on Don, giving little puppy snores.  Don’s doing pretty well also; he’s relaxed, and had a decent sleep last night after watching Canadian women win gold in hockey.  The playoffs start soon, so he’ll be glued to the TV for the games for the next few months.

I woke up this morning feeling really hungry, which is good.  The thing is, though, that after breakfast this morning (around 9:30) I didn’t eat again until 5:30… I just didn’t want anything to eat, although I did drink water.  I had to rest my timer so I wouldn’t go that long between meals again!!  That’s not a preferred way to ensure that I get nutrition.  Happily, my regular support worker was back again today.  She’d injured her arm last week but is in better shape this week.  I feel guilty asking her to do stuff that would need her to lift or use her hurt arm too much, although she reminded me that she’s cleared to work, so it’s ok.  I also called my central coordinator to let her know that I haven’t been receiving my scheduled hours when my regular worker is away (which is up to the agency to handle) and I’m just waiting for her to call back.

I realized today that I, like many other people, don’t hand write a lot of things any longer.  My grocery list, for instance, is on my phone.  So are diary entries, reminders, many messages are done by email, text or DM, and it’s only personal letters to a few people that I actually write.  About 20 years ago now, an executive from Microsoft had bragged that they were working to eliminate the need for writing.  I found that ridiculous and unreasonable then, and still do, although I’m coming around to admit that writing is rare.  Oddly enough, though, “hand lettering” (what used to be called “calligraphy”) is gaining in popularity.  It’s an interesting contradiction, isn’t it?  Not using your penmanship on a daily basis, but then working to create some elaborate and decorative pieces.  Just to reiterate, though, I love getting hand written items, with or without the embellishment.

In other news, I got a great video call this afternoon.  My little niece had her mom call me to show me the ASL that she learned in school today.  She was so excited that she spilled some of her milk while she was telling me.  I told her that I was very proud of her for learning all the signs and showing them correctly.  My nephew wanted me to see his new dance that he made up today… it involved some very cute gyrations! Then they wanted me to see their new puppy (they’ve had him for a few weeks now, but he’s still “new”)

OK, I’m off now.  I think I’m going to make a cup of tea and relax.  Early bed is, I think, in the plan.  My sleep was again broken last night, but I’m not sure why exactly.  Good night! 


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