Stormy weather

We had a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, with some brilliant lightning and rumbles of thunder.  The little dog did not approve of this in the least, and tried to hide himself under the blanket and behind any person that he could.  The wind picked up too, which really upset him.  He’s not a lover of the noises that the wind makes.  He spent as much of today as he could curled up on laps looking for cuddles.  Then “his” support worker came, and he was bouncing around happily playing with her.  Don is currently watching a show about Abba; we both enjoy their music, and it’s fun listening to them.  I know, it’s not “cool” to admit to being a fan of Abba, but really, their music is fun, light and entertaining so what’s not to like?  He also managed to take in a couple of games, grumbling that he’s out of shows to watch.  I still have a few recorded, but he’s watched all of his. 🤭

My support worker and I cooked a Chinese style meal — lo mein and soy sauce chicken — as seen in the photo.  (Thanks for the marinade, L!) I got her to taste a few new items — christophene, or chayote melon, and lap cheong (Chinese preserved sausage) —which she’d never had before, and she agreed that they were good.  Today I feel a bit sluggish; I went back and had a nap for about 2 hours this afternoon, and I’ll probably head in early again tonight.  My sleep was broken by the storm this morning, and from an awkward sleeping position last night.  

It seems that age is on my mind a lot these few days!  Some of my favourite songs are now over 40 years old… and I remember when they were new.  What’s less shocking to me is that almost all of my preferred books are at least 30 years old; there are very few written in the last decade or so that speak to me.  I’m surprised, a bit, that many of my books are enjoying a revival both on screen and in print, with sequels, follow-on, “outrigger” and spinoffs.  It goes, I suppose, to show that the use of common human themes is the grounds of lasting literature.  I did read a foolish op-ed by someone recently claiming that Dune is a commentary on the current Israeli war — foolish because it was written in the 1960s, in a political climate that unfortunately hasn’t progressed much in the last 50 years.  The Lord of the Rings movies, which aired (gasp!) 20+ years ago, were also discussed as “commentary on the war between Iraq and the USA”. It makes me think that many of the writers of these pieces are just filling up space — much as I do — and don’t really care about context or reality.

I’m off to enjoy my dinner while it’s still nice and hot… the chicken took longer to cook than the rest of the meal, but it’s all good and ready now, so off I go!  Good night!


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