
What a lovely, mild day we had today.  Bright sun, 10C and generally lovely.  Spring preview in effect, I guess!  Jerry is being a cuddler.  He spent almost the whole morning on my lap and every time I pushed him off, he came back like he’s on a retractable cord!  Cute, but also painful as he digs in to the one sore spot on my tummy, which only hurts when he puts pressure on it.  Don is fine, watched some sports — his day is empty without that, it seems — and we’re now catching up on some PVR programs.  He’s going to be making supper soon (well, as soon as I tell him that he’s on cooking duty, anyway LOL)

So I had a minor tummy issue today, which I can’t attribute to the treatment, as it has happened before unrelated to any medication.  It means that I feel weak for a few hours and then I’ll be fine - and I’ll probably sleep well, because that’s been the pattern.  My support worker (not my regular; she doesn’t cover me on a Saturday) was over 2 hours late because she “had to go home and charge her phone.”  Normal people would ask to borrow a charger, but not her… I turned her down when she finally showed up.  I’d received a delivery of groceries and I was expecting her to help unpack.  Because she was so late, I had to do it myself, leading to a LOT of pain (which added to my anger and desire to get her out.)  Happily my friend got me enough stuff to last for a few days (the fruit especially will not last to Monday 😆)  The pain is why Don’s cooking tonight.  I’ll be fine, it’s really just from over exertion and will go when I get some rest.

I really enjoy the procedural shows, like Law & Order and so on.  The only problem is that they tend to inspire violent feelings — mostly along the line of “why don’t they just shoot the bad guy?” (Which usually ends up happening, so the body count is high.)  In reality, I don’t favour gun use casually and am a great believer in the judicial system to address wrongs.  The shows, though, demonstrate such casual violence and easy death that it pulls me along to root for pulling out guns and spraying bullets.  No, I don’t think that TV violence causes real life violence, but it certainly can desensitize you.  They’re also rather formulaic… the feds/cops go to talk to someone who sees them, runs, and there’s a foot chase scene.  About 1/3 of the time, the suspect runs in front of a bus or truck… otherwise they’re captured, questioned, refuse to answer, are threatened with long prison terms.  The shows demonstrate that law enforcement somehow always wins, but mostly after several fights, gun standoffs, attempts to rationalize the actions of the villains and usually they emerge unscathed.  While they may be “based on reality” I question the solve rate of those agencies… it seems that no case goes unresolved.  The bosses also don’t seem to do much except say single lines like, “What do we have?” It’s entertaining, really, and maybe one day real life law enforcement will be able to identify and capture criminals within an hour!

OK, dinner is ready, so I’m off to eat now.  Good night!


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