
Aren’t these lovely?  Taken this week in NY and sent for me to enjoy.  Such lovely bright colours!  Gotta love these moments of sunshiny happy things, right?  I’ve got a short break to type, as Jerry has marked my lap as his favourite place today.  He gets up for maybe 10 minutes, then wriggles back into position.  Don is watching baseball, after just watching some juniors playing for a cup in southern Ontario.  Hockey season should end with the snow and ice, but it goes on until June!  Ah well, keeps him out of mischief, I suppose!

I had a good long sleep last night.  I like it when I get a thorough rest, so I don’t feel ragged the next day.  The little pies we made last night were good; I’ve now got a stock in my freezer for easy snacks over the next little while.  My regular worker is getting to be a really good Trinbagonian cook!  At least, she’s following my directions so the food tastes like it would if I cooked it, with a few tweaks (I just need to get the seasoning levels up a bit.)  She paid me a huge compliment by saying that she’d make some of the same foods for herself at home, as she likes my cooking.  Tomorrow we plan to do some Chinese cooking, although I am missing one of my main ingredients.  It’s a bottle of sweet and sour pickles which is awesome and delicious 😋 but which is apparently not available in Canada… when I search online, all the websites offering it are European or Australian, and that’s making me sad.  Any Trinis heading this way, please pick up a bottle for me!  Thanks ☺️ I got my last bottle there, and right now I’m hoarding it worse than a dragon guarding a treasure trove!

You know, I remember when I — full of youthful arrogance— thought that anyone over 40 was old and past it.  It seems like it wasn’t that long ago I was in high school or university, and looking forward to being an adult (preferably without too many obligations and responsibilities)  The thing is, though, I’m of the age where a lot of the “golden days” and “remember when” memes resonate.  I remember the seemingly endless days of vacation, where the biggest question was what to play?  There are all sorts of games that I remember playing that are unknown now to my niece, and foods that have fallen out of fashion.  It’s a little disappointing, though, that so many people look at those memes and complain about modern life.  

Every time I hear “kids today…” or “that wouldn’t have been allowed…” I want to remind people that they have the power to enforce rules in their homes.  So if you don’t want phones at mealtimes, ban phones at mealtime!  Teach your kids the magic words of please, thank you, excuse me, etc, instead of griping.  While I don’t like many current fashions (ripped jeans — I mean, really?  Especially the ones missing a whole panel of the leg.  Just, no.  Please.) I’m not going to stop anyone from wearing them.  I will continue to rant about the differences between professional and casual dressing, and selection of attire appropriate to the location.  So no flip flops and cut-offs at the office, and don’t mix socks and sandals!  (Ugh!) If you are doing sandals, especially open-toed ones, make sure you have a decent pedicure, so your nails don’t look like ragged claws and your heels aren’t flaky and cracked!  Neatly trimmed and moisturized is what we want!

OK, rant over.  I’m going to work out supper and take my night meds.  Plus the dog is nipping at me, so it’s bedtime!  Good night.


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