New week

More poui for you!  The season is drawing to a close, so I’m just sharing all the glorious photos that I received from Trinidad.  I understand that it’s been really hot and sunny there, so rain (like we’ve had for the last few days) would be welcome; the rainy season is still a good month away.  Jerry is on guard, waiting for Don to finish cooking… he’s curled on the sofa, pretending to sleep, but he has one eye fixed on the kitchen while the other is closed, unless I move, in which case his head pops up to see what I’m doing 😝 Don’s making something for dinner; I haven’t checked, and I’m staying out of the kitchen until I’m called!  There’s more sports tonight, so we’ll see what unfolds, but I do have an assortment of books to keep me entertained!

I had another good night last night; I do like getting decent sleep!  I was happy being a little wrapped roti this morning, just luxuriating in my blanket before I finally crawled out of bed.  I did quite a bit of cooking yesterday, and made Chinese-style fried chicken, which (if I say so myself) was really quite tasty!  A friend had sent me a marinade to try, and it’s very good!  Meanwhile, I’m in search of some Chinese sweet and sour pickled vegetables — I’d bought some in Trinidad on a previous trip, but they seem to be unobtainable in Canada.  Every search online turns up stores in Europe, which doesn’t help me in the least!  It may very well require someone in the homeland to find and arrange to send to me… that’s all I’ll say on that!  Wish me luck in finding them; they’re really awesome for boosting flavour in some dishes.

I was missing my mother a lot today for some reason.  I wanted to chat with her and well, of course I can’t.  Then I was online and a tune popped up as “recommended for [me]” and it was Kenny Rogers’ Through the Years which was one of her favourite songs.  I don’t know what prompted that, but it happens that I miss one of my family members who have “gone before us, marked with the sign of faith”  I was wondering what she would say about me now.  We would sometimes disagree about things, although I’d call her almost daily and I loved it when she was able to spend part of the summer with me. I now have to wonder if my iPad reads my thoughts, as I hadn’t done any searches for this tune, nor had I even whispered “Kenny Rogers” out loud… I’ll just attribute it to serendipity and not give in to the idea that my device can read my thoughts!  It is probably because I had done searches for other 1980s ballads and this was a big one.

Chag Pesach Sameach! To all those who are celebrating today, and congratulations to my friend Therese on the publication of her first book, now available for pre-order on Amazon kindle, on a subject that’s likely to generate a lot of discussion.

I’m being called for dinner, so I’m off for now.  Hope you all have a good evening!  Good night!


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