beati quorum via integra est
The year 2021 is ending. It's been another full year, and I must confess that the thing that's best is that I and my family are healthy and safe. I'm thankful for that- it was a difficult year in many respects, personally. I took some time to reread my entries from my time in hospital early in summer. and I am beyond grateful to be here to look back. I treasure the days that I have- they all seem too short and too fleeting, but I'm happy and thankful for them. Even when I'm bored or frustrated because I can't do all the things that I'd like, I'm happy to be able to grumble about it! Those of you who have been reading this year know the challenges that I've faced. I'm admitting, again, that I'm extremely grateful for the support and love that I've received. It's something that's kept me going when I was wandering those dark places. I told Don that he kept me going when things got bad, and he replied, "Oh! That was my mistake!...