Gens una Sumus

I got a message this morning that I'd ended yesterday's blog on a cliff. What happened was that I had written my entry as I usually do while staying awake for my 11PM meds. I usually write for an hour or so, then proof-read the handwriting to type conversion (I really enjoy the Apple Pencil!) and set it to post automatically at 00:01 so I don't need to stay awake. Anyway, I must have started the thought, and I fell asleep! Don woke me up, but he was laughing at the fact that I couldn't keep my eyes open. The good news is that I'm getting more sleep. The ongoing challenge is that I doze off at some less than ideal moments! Today was decent overall. I had a few moments of a sore back, so I napped a little. My medical team advises that in my current circumstances, I may sleep when I feel the need. Once I have regulated my sleep they would prefer that I don't nap in the afternoon, but right now any sleep will do. (To paraphrase a song from "Dreamcoat") I ...