aut vincere aut mori

So many of you were surprised to learn about my cancer journey . You expressed wonder at the magnitude of my operation, so here is the story for your info.

  • My kidney removal part 1
  • My kidney removal part 2
  •  the big surgery...
  •  told that I'm incurable 
  • My kidney isn't mending 
  • Learning from the past 
  • This is a summary, and you're under no obligation to read any of it. I was surprised, though, I hadn't touched on the surgery, which was such a big deal to me! 

    Today I had an ultrasound, so I went into the hospital. Since restrictions are lifting, there are more elective procedures being scheduled, so lineups at the entry was long! I had to wait for a porter, which was unusual because it's midweek. Anyway, I got to the unit, and there was a young woman who was in the middle of a full blown meltdown "what do you mean, you don't have any appointment for me?" she was screaming. She called the clerk  incompetent, stupid, swore at him... I felt embarrassed to be there! He remained calm throughout the whole exchange. He asked her to try again, explaining that the system sometimes acted up. She spat out the spelling of her name, and her birthdate.  He re-entered it, and explained that he had no record for an appointment. She argued that she had been in the ER on Monday, and they told her to return. She pulled out her phone and showed him the appointment on her calendar app... For July 9. He said, calmly. "Today is not the 9th. It's the 7th " she paused, and said, “but I  took the day off work! You mean I can't do it today? Is there any way it could done today?". He checked, and offered her a later time . (4:30pm) and she was on the phone to her friend, arranging a ride, she said to her friend on the phone, "I feel so stupid!””  She never apologized to the clerk who (to his credit) remained calm. I was ashamed of her behaviour. There was no need for her to act that way. There was no reason to abuse the clerk. Noe need to be more accountable for am actions so we're not acting like that! Be kind!

    I will get my results tomorrow, when I see my doctor.  Fingers crossed that all well!   That’s all for now!  Good night!


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