Delectatio Morosa

Should I start singing the praises of sleep again?  I had several good naps again today, then decided that perhaps a conversation with my doctor was in order, since I found that I was sleeping from the time I took my meds.  He agreed with me, and we’ve reduced the dose of one of my pain meds.  The first change, effected tonight, already has me feeling more alert, so I think it’s a win.  Once more, I strongly recommend keeping lines of communication open with your medical team, because they are primarily concerned with ensuring that your health and well-being are maintained!  I feel it necessary to point out that that trusting and following the advice of your team is essential in promoting your health and recovery.  I don’t understand the people who go to the doctor, obtain medicine but refuse to take it because “Dr. Google” says something else!  I met someone who told their doctor that they were refusing to take prescribed medication because they saw the side effects listed on Google.  Their doctor, quite rightly IMO, said that they would no longer treat them if they refused to follow advice, and the person was offended.  I don’t get why — if you’re refusing professional help, then you don’t get to pick and choose!  You may gather that this is one of the things that really annoys me, since I think that I’ve mentioned it a few times; another is those people who babble nonsense about avoiding vaccines and (on a non-medical point) those who refuse to vote in an election but then complain about the results.  There’s a list… but I won’t go over it now.
My physiotherapist is scheduled for Friday, and I’m looking forward to it.  My friends are laughing at my enthusiasm, because they remind me that physio is not intended to be fun, and I’ll have to work out even if the temperature is as hot as it is right now… and I’ve avoided going outside in the 40C+ heat all week so far.  All of which is perfectly true!  But I think that the faster I get in gear, the faster I recover and the sooner that I can release them back into the wild so I don’t need to have physio around.  Right?  Does that sound fair?
So I’ve been preparing for my crochet projects, and deciding on what yarn goes with which pattern; to be followed by a prioritization of what gets done.  I’ve promised a few items to certain “clients” so those are of higher priority than the ones that are just for personal pleasure, at least in theory!  I have promised a Christmas present to someone, which I should start soon so that I have enough time to complete (it’s fairly time consuming, but will take me about a month to complete) plus I have a few ideas of things that really should get done and mailed out while we’re in full summer so they can be enjoyed before the season ends… and there, I’ve already used up a lot of my time and energy and existing wool stash!!  Plus I keep finding all these beautiful wools that are hand-dyed and some amazing colours but soo pricey and… I’ll stop now.  I should really imagine opening up my credit card statement if I order too many of those and then I’ll get over the urge to buy wool at $35 a skein.  I’ll return to buying on sale at Walmart 😆😲. I remember the look of shock on a friend’s face when I said that was where I got my yarn, because she knew what prices were like at different stores, and from some artisanal places, and I don’t think that she had ever considered looking there for yarn.  I buy cotton, because of the ease of care and the fact that it’s machine washable (love it for baby items and clothes) even though it’s harder to find than acrylic.  
Wool This is the wool that I’m working with for my current project, just to give you an idea of what I’m considering.  It was on sale at $5/ball, and I think I have enough for what I have in mind.  I really hope so!  Extras would be well used, too, as I have some follow-on thoughts of what I could do with it.  It’s beautifully soft and stretchy, too, and will do well for my first attempt at that type of project. I’ve actually started on this one, as a personal item, so you should see something of it sooner than later!  I have to admit, though, that it’s the wrong weight for what I had in mind, so I needed to change the stitches that I’m using to be able to match the gauge… there’s more than just diving in and doing what I want if I want to match a pattern!  I’m learning so much about the intricacies of fabric making — one of my recent acquisitions was a book on crochet techniques which says that you’re creating fabrics, not just stringing together yarn. It makes a difference in how I regard the project and the outcome… because even considering a doily as fabric changes how it’s made. It becomes more of a work of art and the product of a creative process than a replica of an existing product!  Ok, I’m off to bed before I become too philosophical, and worse, start to contemplate the the delta between creativity and copying and how much room I have to for imagination before a product becomes my own.  Ooh!  The ideas are flooding in… Good night, before I get carried away even more!!


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