Dei sub numine viget

😮‍💨 Another tiring day with pain. I'm really running out of ' energy for so many things. It's ironic, really, that we're trying to reduce my pain and improve my energy level, but it's slow... My doctor reminded me, again, that the surgery was just over a month ago, so it's still fairly recent. I'm trying to adapt. I'm trying to explain to myself that it's a question of time.  I  saw my physiotherapist this afternoon, and she will be adjusting my exercise routine to account for the ultrasound results- tendonosis and a torn tendon. That will mean approximately 6-8 weeks; the work will be to maintain mobility in the joint, as there isn't really much to do before she discharges me. We have discontinued one of my medications, because we aren't sure that it's really a benefit. We had adjusted the dose  up and down, with no real change in my pain level, unfortunately. So we will see later. The pharmacy just dropped off my new prescription, and took back the older ones.

Major, major thank you to the people who were kind and awesome enough to feed us. Thanks for the roti, the Nando’s and the pizza. Really appreciative of the kindness of people who are helping me avoid doing too much. I'm supposed to avoid standing for long. I'm frustrated by these restrictions and annoyed by the limitations. But I'm going along with them. I'm thankful for those people who are so kind.

 'Speaking of kindness, someone sent me this article which is sad. I know that being  in hospital is not easy. But taking out your frustrations on the people who are helping you does absolutely nothing to benefit you, and just makes things worse! I speak from experience- being calm, positive and kind, even when - especially when - in pain, goes a long way to making things better. I had a few moments in the civic where my pain was so high that I was literally screaming and crying, and I felt so bad I was apologizing to my nurse 3 days later. I'm not proud of that, but I hope that I never get to a point of being abusive! I hope that the staff receive a lot of kindness in the near future. They deserve good things.

I've been home now for 2 weeks. I'm pleased to be here, and happy that I'm recovering, even though I'm frustrated with my progress.  Thanks to everyone for sharing the many flowers that you encounter daily.  It reminds me that life continues to bloom while I'm recovering. I'm mostly resigned to the idea that I'll miss a lot of summer this year, but I will have other summers to enjoy because of this year. I'm now in the "missing 5 days” period from my surgery 7 years ago, and I’m  usually extra-introspective, as I contemplate the meaning of life during this week. My surgeon explained she was afraid that I wouldn't recover, and would be nervous when ever she checked on me for fear of having to call my family. I don't have to explain that I'm delighted to be here, and I'm ecstatic I can ramble on at length about nothing


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