et hoc genus omne

Today wars an absolute day of rest. No ifs, ands or buts. Between my straining myself on Friday, my outing yesterday and miscellaneous other activities, I needed that. Tomorrow will also be a slow day, because I can feel that there will be a need for additional R&R.
This is my fourth week at home after being released from rehab. I know that I am improving, and that I am making progress, even if I think that it's slow. Take today, for instance. I had my usual weekly visit for communion at 9:30 this morning. That should not have made me tired, but because of my earlier activities, I was barely able to stay awake for any length of time. Once again, my body has this game where I sleep for 20- 30 minutes and I think that glue slept for hours, but then I realize that I've catnapped, and my sleep is more broken.
I'm in the delightful state of having a fridge full of food, thanks to my friend and her mom. So that reduces some of the demand on me. No cooking required for about 2 days! I miss cooking. I tried  doing some this week, because I wanted some homemade food. I took so much of my energy that I couldn't even eat! although I did freeze a large portion of what I cooked, so it's available for later. My bread, today, stayed in the oven for co minutes too long, so I don’t know how it will hold up... Clearly, I'm less effective than I thought I was!  Obviously, sleep needs to be a priority for me, and then I can gradually add other items, like baking and cooking and crochet (I haven’t forgotten, I’m just going through some sleep issues where I can’t stay awake long enough to do anything useful!) 

I still have that brilliant, insightful post coming. I'll wait until I get my sleep sorted out. I'm giving an early trigger warning to my atheistic and agnostic friends that it's related to my personal religious beliefs. I think it's important for me to explore, and I hope that most of you will appreciate my views-even if you argue with me and I trust that we can have an open dialogue. 
That's it for tonight, thanks for reading. I hope that your weekend i was lovely, and I wish you a great week ahead! May your vaccines be successful and painless and may you never encounter any plague-spreaders!.


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