Dum vivimus, vivamus

 I attended my first post-lockdown party today. It was a Hawaiian-themed 17th birthday for a young man who I knew before he was a twinkle in his mother's eye. She was my first hairdresser when I moved to Canada all those years ago, and we became friends. I look back at the last 20+ years, and I am again amazed at the passage of time! I remembered when we were told of the impending arrival of this young man, and planned excitedly for his coming. It was also lovely to have a chance to catch up with my friend, her mom, and the rest of the family. We haven't, of course seen anything of each other in the last 18-20 months, and the lifting of restrictions yesterday meant a chance to gather in her back yard and interact at a safe distance. I'm honestly delighted to be able to celebrate with them, and to share in these family moments. 
I'm touched that my friends have made it possible for me to share  their family moments over the past 20+ years that I've been in Canada.
I'm pleased that the restrictions are coming to an end and then the level of vaccine adoption is as high as it is. It augurs well for a "2 dose" summer, allowing people to return to gathering together again!
I had a delightful time at the birthday party, although I really only stayed for an hour. My level of energy did not support me staying too long, I did manage to enjoy some of the wonderful supper, and best of all to have short chats with the family. I am looking forward to reconnecting with my other friends over the summer.
Good night all 😘 


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