Fortis in Arduis

Six hours of uninterrupted sleep! Absolutely marvellous. Then today my body reminded me that 6 hours doesn't erase weeks of sleep deprivation, so I have been dozing on and off all day. I imagine that it will be a few days before I get to a level of "normal-ish" sleep. But I'm looking forward to it. My nerd side is also enjoying the challenge of using spreadsheets on the iPad, since there's no mouse and restricted keyboard use. The Apple Pencil is helpful, but there's still a learning curve. It's fun, though, to have this as a goal.

I'm trying to understand the thinking of those who are using this pandemic to leverage political gain at the expense of innocent lives. It's really tragic, watching how people were misled and encouraged into dangerous behaviour. I read that some individuals argued that the restrictions were stricter and more unfair on young adults because they deserve to be out on weekends and denying them time at pubs is unfair.. Oh, and the masks block their breathing.  I can't put up with that anymore!  I really despair of humanity if people can’t understand basic, simple science  and who look for the most complicated scenario to explain a situation. 

Look, it's scary. There's a disease that appeared suddenly, and it's had a devastating effect on every country  in the world: Economies were failing and damage was horrible. We should be in a state where transmission should be low, and we should be having lots of people with vaccines. It should be one of those things where we need to be more concerned about protecting others and keeping everyone safe.

I think that we should be focussed on ensuring that we protect the weaker members of society. If that means some minor inconvenience, then we need to be adults and deal with it. Right? I mean if wearing a piece of cloth can save lives, then why not? Most people want to be the hero, so why not? Imagine the reward for saving the world! The  buzz alone would be euphoric.  OK, that's it. Please be a hero-wear your mask, get the vaccine, help your neighbour to get to appointments. Remind others that being kind is . essential.  Good night! 


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