Esto Quod Es

I'm definitely in the "cautiously optimistic" category for my pain meds. Today was hot and humid, but my pain was reasonably managed. YAY!! I dozed off a lot this afternoon, so I feel more rested. And I went for a walk again with the tiny dictator, who at least managed not to get tangled in the walker, although he did bark at everything and everyone.  He enjoyed it, which is the whole point. It was a hot day, but not brutal, and I'm again a little sorry that I can't walk as far as I'd like. The rule that we established in rehab is even more important now- however far I walk, I have to walk back- so I need to gauge my energy very carefully, as I'd be on my own if I had a problem. Jerry is now curled up on the floor by my feet, having a nap before he decides that it's time to herd me to bed. 
Apparently it's not a good time for my friends. I've received text messages from no fewer than 6 who have all asked for time to recover because they're not in a good place. I'm sending them loads of love and positive vibes and cheery thoughts. It’s a rough time all around for so many people. I hope that. their energy gets better and they recover soon.
There are so many things that I can go angry about, there are also a number of things for which I can be grateful. I'm going to be determinedly grateful for a list of items, including:
  • Being able to see friends after almost 2 years. It's just wonderful!
  • Being able to go for that walk today. It's a nice change to be out in the sun and enjoying the nice weather.
  • Getting a chance to talk with my family and keeping updated on them.
  • Storytime with my baby niece and nephew. I still think it's precious that she's reading to me, even as she ignores me on video that otherwise!
  • Getting my dad to use video chat on his smartphone! 😁 
  • Having friends who send me beautiful pictures of flowers/ cute puppies and babies. These keep me in a good mood, and lift my spirits.
There’s enough time for anger on so many things. I’ll just leave them for another day and stay grateful. 
 Thank you all!


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