Cui - bono

I had another  broken night last night. I didn't fall asleep until after 3am, and I was awake again by 6. No reason why. I was awake like that. I can't even blame shopping on binge-watching TV. Speaking of, we binged all of season 1 of "Rebel" which was excellent; it's a pity that it's been cancelled.😢 I did sign the renewal petition so fingers crossed for season 2! Great writing, excellent cast, and the plots are gripping.    As a result of not sleeping well, I was sluggish again today. I've confirmed that if I'm overheated, I'm in more pain. Today  was humid and hot, and my pain level was higher. That's going to be a challenge to manage when I go to Trinidad. I mean the temperature in Trinidad is consistently above 30c I cannot make it suddenly cool, nor can I reasonably expect to drop it below 20, so I will need to manage it. But that being said, I'll have to go carefully. Apart from that n rest so let's hope they're right.
I'm still practicing using the pencil. Since I got it all of my posts have been done with it. Generally it works well, with minimal editing needed, but sometimes I need to rewrite things several times, and then go over the text with a keyboard to fix it. I'm sure that there is a way to correct this easily! I'll sort it out!. it's mostly intuitive with a few quirks that’s all.


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