ex amicitia pax

 Today was very hot, muggy and humid, broken by a massive thunderstorm this afternoon. The thunder actually woke me out of a sleep, which is a good thing because I was in an uncomfortable position in my chair.

Don celebrated his 81st birthday today. Paul kindly collected the ice cream cake and delivered it just before lunch, so that was fabulous timing! I know that we will be doing more birthday celebrations soon- Heidi’s own is next Wednesday. then Daddy on the following Sunday. That leaves us with my new nephew's birthday on August 13 when he will be a year old. For me, that’s long enough for me to have not met him, so I'm trying to go to a point where I can travel 4+ hours to be able to join the family and celebrate!

I hurt my back and shoulder again today bending over to pick up a ball that Jerry took out to the balcony and I didn't want the risk of the ball falling 20 floors down to the parking lot... not a good idea! Anyway, my back and shoulder are royally sore I will take an extra pain pill to help with it, but I expect that it will be a few days before it stops. I'll have to rearrange a few things. and I'll definitely contact the nurses so they can look after me. 

I was able to talk with one of my aunts who I haven't heard from in months. It was good to catch up, and to learn that things are going well with her and my uncle. So that was pleasant! Then, as noted, I fell asleep. Because of the pain in my shoulder, today I was unable to shower standing up, and I was slow. I'll continue to rest so that the pain should reduce!

In my daily chat with my dad, he raised the issue of individual choice versus group support-that whole thing that's playing over with the pandemic and the issue with vaccinations. I'm trying to understand the "logic" thats being presented. I can, just barely, understand the concern that the multiple vaccines were safely developed and tested so rapidly. But then, it's immediately obvious that there's a massive global collaboration to address this worldwide phenomenon. So it's unsurprising that there are steps forward being taken so quickly. But then, then are the "objectors." These are the people who refuse to be vaccinated-and everyone known my views on the pro-plague, disease-spreading idiots who are endangering the health of the population because they refuse to accept science

I do not understand the trend that's been building over the past few decades. of downgrading and smearing education.

Girls who studied STEM subjects were ridiculed-I'm still called a nerd and a geek because of my liking of science and maths; and girls, especially, are discouraged from excelling academically. It annoys me to watch TV that promotes "regular goes" who are more into "belching, farting and scratching" who poke fun at studious kids and encourage bullying - this is a rant, so I'll get off my soapbox! There is a very distressing tendency to mock academically-inclined students and those who enjoy reading, to promote non-science-based curricula. We've heard the slandering of "the elites" who are referred to as destroying society. Personally, I would have thought star being an elite would be good thing, given that the alternative is "oaf" or "lout" neither of which is remotely complimentary! I'll have to assume that it's a backlash against the classism and extreme artificiality Victorian- era society, which created a dreadful environment for all kinds of repressive., abusive behaviours. That aside, though, ridiculing academics, denigrating scholars and otherwise uplifting behaviours that encourage harm is clearly not good!

I'm going to urge you to call out these types of actions and to discourage the people who carry them out. That means all of the "they never taught me that in school," memes- Yes, it probably was covered, but you were horsing around and messed it. Or the "l've gone another day and I didn't need to use <algebra 1 Calculus /quadratic equations> " - I've gone a whole lifetime and I've never needed to change a tyre nor have I needed to climb a rope, so... I think that we’re even!

We need to remember that in a society we have to act to protect our most vulnerable, and we don't do that by endangering them and spreading lies and half-truths. Let's get back to understanding and following science and, most of all, collaborating to protect the weakest among us!


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