Ex Fide Fiducia
Let's start off with the great news that I saw two of my friends this afternoon for 5 minutes, shall we? Fouad passed by to drop off some hair product for me, which was lovely, and he was accompanied by Marcel, who I haven’t seen in a long time. So wonderful to see them both!
I’m looking at this as a sign that I’ll be able to see my other friends soon, and we’ll be able to get together and share good times again. In fact, there are plans for an upcoming dinner soon… details remain under wraps until the reopening is better in place! I’m excited to see things moving in the direction of allowing more interaction!
I was hoping that I could have made it to the end of the week before I became angry, but I could not. I'm sorry. I heard today this horrific story about a nurse who refused to get the Covid vaccine, and then contracted the virus and transmitted it to their patient, who died. I was so furious when I read that!!! How DARE you put your patient in harm's way like that? How STUPID do you have to be to ignore basic medical science? How could you pretend to be a nurse and not be able to follow simple direct scientific protocols? I'm so disgusted and furious that I'm almost incoherent!
I have NO sympathy for those pro-plague, disease-spreading rats who sputter their nonsense and then wind up ill. I have a hard line zero-tolerance view that if you opt out of public health policy- i. e. vaccinations for no reason - then you do not deserve to access any public services. That includes: public transit; schools; groceries, hospitals, malls... essentially any place
But back to the "nurse"-you clearly do not deserve to practice, and should lose your licence. I'd like to have you charged with manslaughter, and spend a long period in prison. No, I don't know the family. It’s unnecessary, in my view. At base, there is a fraud who endangered the life of a patient by refusing to take a simple, direct step to protect themselves and the patient, and who caused therefore the illness and death of a person in their care. Maybe I’m being unfair to the “nurse” by wanting them to be severely punished for their actions. But I’m of the opinion that if you have a high duty of care then you are more obligated, not less, to ensure the safety of your clients. I may seem harsh, but professionals are not allowed the luxury of mistakes in the execution of their duties.

That's all for tonight. Sleep well 😴
that also goes for the trade unions and lawyers who say not allowing unvaccinated staff to work is discrimination. If the employer is trying to protect the team, and more important prevent their business from closing down, they need to do what needs to be done.
ReplyDeleteSo now we have to ask Health care profesionals in public institutions "Have you been vaccinated ahainst Covid-19?" before allowing them to attend to us.....madness