Gratia et Scientia

Butterflies!  Aren’t they lovely?  I was thrilled to get this picture today showing these beauties!  I was actually looking at some crochet patterns of butterfly decals today and considering a few projects — I’m really going to have to stop coming up with more assignments and plans and just make a few!  I’m also stopping myself from buying more yarn, for precisely the same reason… It’s hard enough making choices and narrowing my options now, it would be far worse to winnow out the wider selection that I see.  So many choices!  So many colours and patterns and designs!  I’ve got my list of the next 3 projects and when I’m done the first one, I’ll add a new one. My list of planned items is already over 20… I have more planned patterns than I could finish in a lifetime.  It will get better, since a number of them are small crochet projects.
I'm slowly catching up on my sleep deficit. Like last night, when I fell asleep after composing my email with the blog post bur before I clicked "send" so it didn’t  go out until I woke up at 6am. I then watched the Mass and I dozed off until about 9am. I've been napping occasionally all day, and feeling better as time goes on. Sleep is a beautiful thing! I have been having some challenges with breathing for the last few days mostly due to the heat and humidity- and I'm not a fan. But it will get better, I'm declaring that!
I'm still in the throes of downloading and reading new books and magazines. I've browsed through almost a dozen magazines since yesterday. I absolutely love that facility at the library, as I can skim a wide range of material without commitment. Then, of course, I can always buy a copy if I particularly feel a bond.
Libraries have always been favourite places of mine. Collections of reading materials stacked up to the ceiling-what's not to love? And with digital content, where I can borrow all sorts of material while I'm confined at home. It's likely to make me lazy, since I don't have to have heavy bags of books. (Something I'm doubly not allowed to do now post-surgery) There are some books that only exist on paper, and I'm happy to indulge in them when I'm able to go and spend the better part of a day wandering around of books. That was one of my favourite Saturday pastimes. I’d walk over to the library, pick a section, and browse happily for hours, then select several books for the week, head home with them, stopping for lunch on the way... I miss that. Yes, I know, it's a very nerdy activity, but it was enjoyable. My other preferred Saturday activity was to wander through the Market, getting fruits and vegetables, pausing at a cafe for lunch, perhaps visiting Chapters to browse books and then to chat with the various vendors and artisans.
Here's hoping that I will be able to do some of those again soon; although my usual partners in crime have moved far away from Ottawa, so I'll need new companions for this. Any volunteers?
I’m wrapping myself happily in my books both paper and digital, and having a wonderful time getting lost in some magical worlds. Absolutely love doing that!  In case this is late again tomorrow, I’ve scheduled it to be posted at 1 minute past midnight, and it should be available then.  


  1. I'll volunteer! And please make sure some of those Pemento seeds end up at my house....hint hint..


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