Cura personalis

This is how I was woken up this morning.  A small black dog climbed onto my tummy and insisted on being  petted. If I stopped, he just wriggled until I played with him. Never mind that I wanted to play YouTube, or that I was trying to listen to music or  anything! Bossy little puppy! R
It's a week since I've been home from the hospital, and I'm still happy be home and not in the Rehab Centre. It's great here, even with tiny dictatorial dogs lying on my tummy. As far as my recovery is concerned, I still have a lot of pain, which is not going away, unfortunately. The pain persists in my left shoulder blade, particularly when l transition from lying down to sitting up and them to standing. Luckily, I don't have pain my legs when l walk, just  tiredness.
I’m waiting for a couple of tests that should have been scheduled before I left the hospital, but were delayed due to emergencies that cropped up.  I expect to have them set up this week, along with the other appointments that I already have scheduled with my assorted doctors.  This week promises to be busy with appointments practically every day with medical personnel so I will be commuting to the hospital quite a lot this week.
Ontario medical delivered chair  risers today which raise my chair, making it easier for me to sit and stand, amazing! They also dropped off and installed a bed rail, so I have more support when I get out of bed. Added to the shower chair, I've got a lot of extra assistance to help me manage around the house. I'm going to have some tough decisions to make this week on which ones I want to keep and whether I want to buy any. Thank goodness for OHIP, and the ODBP that provide these services to me!  I'm also thankful that my meds are covered after discharge for up to a month, so the small pharmacy that I need lo consume is taken care of. So that's one less expense for me.
You all know that I'm not a big tattoo fan, but I’ve decided that  the kids get their wish, and I  will get a (temporary) tattoo over my scar. They have approved the design  selection that I made, so now I'm in search of a henna artiste to paint it for me. Any recommendations are welcome! I've passed this idea past my oncologist to be sure that it won't cause difficulties with any planned treatments. He's agreed with henna, as it's temporary and won't interfere with anything critical. I'll keep the design between me and the kids until it's done, so stand by for the revelation!
There are so many components to recovery, I'm learning. Part is the physical, which seems to be the main and obvious. But there's also the mental and emotional.  I'm dwelling in that realm now, because I need to find goals that are enjoyable and future oriented, so I can think of things outside of just my health targets.  So I’m starting to think about travelling again 😁😁 I understand  that Trinidad is planning to open its borders later in July, so I can begin to plan for when I might go home. At the moment, my priority is to meet my nephew who will be a year old in August! A year, and I haven't met him yet! Worse, my niece celebrated her second birthday, and I wasn't able to join in. I also missed her first birthday party due to my chemo, so it's no wonder that her favourite phrase  seems to be "bye, auntie,"🙃😝 it's ok, though. She will forgive me eventually. She has been reading me bedtime stories, which (at age 2) is phenomenal.
My next trip will be home, definitely; it's been 2 years since my last visit and that's long enough. I'm usually there annually.  I seriously miss my family. Video chat only goes so far, although it’s an improvement over audio calls, and I’ve got my dad to use video calling more regularly. Next step is to get him to actually answer when I call on his phone. Baby steps!!  I’d like to get my aunt to use her smartphone, instead of leaving it in the box… more baby steps 🤪
However, my supply of mangoes is severely depleted! Worse, is my lack of avocados!! That's just deplorable. Those wrinkled, tiny excuses in the supermarket are an embarrassment! Even more disgraceful is woken a chef tries to pass off an unripe one as being edible- shameful! It's worse when a "health conscious” person tries to feed me a green mango as ripe; or tells me that a tree- ripened mango is "over-ripe;” my eyes can't roll back far enough to convey my disgust and disdain for them. And then I'm asked why I don't go to these charlatans for health advice. Don't start me off! (I'll never stop, never stop 🎶🎵) OK, clearly I've been listening to too many nostalgia channels. I'm not even a big Stones fan! It's become obvious to me that I'm old and out of touch where my musical tastes are concerned, but I'm past the age and stage of caring! Frankly, l like what I like, and I'll play it. That being said, I'm off to listen to some REO Speedwagon. Good night!


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