Et suppositio nil ponit in esse

Today has been decent, on balance. My sleep is still erratic, which is unfortunate. On the up side, my pain seems to be better managed and I have more time when I'm not in agony. So that's a definite plus! I'm able to walk a bit again, even though the heat and humidity are still high. That's one of the signs that my meds are doing well-a week ago I'd have been in blinding pain due to the heat, instead of just having swollen feet and feeling sluggish. I'm working on maintaining my levels of gratitude, which is a tad challenging!

I've also reached the point that I didn't expect to reach for a few years. I've been actually using my walker to go for walks, and I've taken the dog with me. That's an indication that I'm adapting to changes that I don't particularly like. People tried encouraging me to use it, saying that it might be helpful to me to adjust to using it, but I was very uncomfortable with the concept of relying on a very obvious mobility aid. My vanity took a few blows! But in the last few weeks I've agreed with my physiotherapists then I'll use the walker when I'm out of the building, because I need the extra support and balance that comes with it. I'm able to walk around the block but the walker helps me stay upright on sidewalks that are uneven at a level that makes gravel paths seem almost glassy! I'm still not a fan, but I do like being upright! I did my leg exercises today. I find them boring, but I do them everyday. I will have to find more enjoyable ways to do them. Change of music, perhaps? Or a competition. Or something? Ideas, please!

So, I downloaded some e-books from the library recently. My aunt will tell you that if I'm too sick to read then I'm in very bad shape! I've had some streaks where I had books that I started and didn't finish. Then I'd have 3-5 books on the go simultaneously. I found the library's magazine collection in April, and I have been enjoying browsing all sorts of magazines. That's where I found the great iPad user mag, which recommended the NEBO app, which I use with my Apple pencil to handwrite my blog. It's great for translating handwriting to typed text with limited editing. I still have some techniques to learn, and some things like how to add pictures to text, etc, but it's a great (and free) app that is super useful. I'm really happy, too, that I got the Apple Pencil.  It's a wonderful tool that makes it easier to capture text and to work in multiple apps. I'm just trying to learn to handwrite in search boxes so that I can actually find things without errors . It will take some time but I'll improve. Next up is learning how to use an XML editor, so I can mass-edit blog text. Right now, I directly write my blog texts onto the website, which is great for my editing and posting, but not useful for coherence, nor for any changes that need to apply to more than one post. 

Yes, I am finding activities to keep my brain engaged. I'll need to do some more with word processing apps, since I have several upcoming writing projects that need me to focus and be at least creative and analytical! So it will be Important to be able to increase my productivity. It's been at least 4 years since I used a computer- I've been working exclusively off the IPAD that long. Although I do have a keyboard, I'm a bit more comfortable either writing longhand (one failing of the apps is the lack of a dictionary for me to add my own shortcuts!) or dictating. Gotta love my technology.  I'd like it if I could just become proficient in all the tools that I need, but this is a reminder that I'm still a functional adult, because I am still learning!

You’ll note that I'm not giving a firm list of "things to do" although there is a logical progression of what I'm planning. It’s more than likely that I'll do enough to be moderately functional, then I'll switch to something else and leave it there. Some techniques may not be worth my effort; I may get bored, or the app may want me to pay for an upgrade that I'm not convinced is necessary, or...

I'm going to try to reduce my sleep defiant a little tonight.  Given that I dozed off a while ago and spilled a full glass of water all over myself, narrowly missing drenching my iPad... I think that bed is a good idea! Good night, all! Jerry is snoring but will move as soon as I shift my position... Wishing you a peaceful night and a wonderful day tomorrow (it's Don' n 81st) cheers!


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