Fav Fortia et Patere

I'm still not able to go out as I'd like and I've been restricted to being home and getting deliveries to supplement my meals- but I'm not thrilled with the choices-or the prices! I'm slowly adding dishes back to my menus, as my energy fluctuates. It’s rewarding to find that I am improving, even in small steps. I know that I’m overusing this expression but it’s so apt😠I'm relying on several friends who are still providing me with meals and making my life easier." very thankful for them and for how they have relieved some of the pressure on me "
I would love to imagine that we cease to lockdown now that vaccination rates are as high as they are now. It would be great if we were able to resume daily life and go out. For myself, I’m looking forward to resuming my normal life, doing my cooking and some activities daily. I know, take my time. Be patient. Etc. Good night! I’m getting quite sleepy 🥱
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