Old year

Isn't it amazing that every year, like magic, on Dec 31 at midnight, a whole new year arrives? It just appears! That was a throwaway remark in a comedy years ago which stuck with me. Today is, of course, Old Year's Day, when we bid farewell to one year and prepare to greet the new. It's a day when Don is glued to hockey on TV-there are seemingly unending games all afternoon, evening and night. Jerry, little darling, is alternating between cuddling up and dancing to block Don's view of the TV. He seems to know when the game is more exciting and opts to interrupt then! (No, I didn't teach him that! Of course I wouldn't weaponize the puppy) 🤪 Do you make resolutions? It seems to be a fading practice. Many people to whom I've spoken say that they don't keep them, so there's no point. Plus, they say, why wait for January? They do have a point, I admit. The majority of resolutions are things like, "lose weight, go to the gym," or "manage m...