Food prep

There was more snow today, but less than yesterday. At one point, I looked out on a world hidden by falling snow; blocking my view.  Jerry was a little hyperactive; he wants longer runs than he can handle in this weather, and he wants to play. He spent several minutes in "zoomies" mode, running, jumping and scratching-and pretending to bite Don when he was playing. Don was fine, except for some trouble catching his breath.. It was caused by him doing too much lifting and carrying as we try to move items back out to the balcony. It's again on pause, while I consider more options.

I made some bread today-my usual weekly activity-and then I took a nap, because I couldn't keep my eyes open this afternoon! When I woke up, I decided to cook the filling for pastelles. That's all done, and I will work on making them during the week. It's a lot of work for one person-last year, at my sister's, it took 3 of us several hours. My routine, especially since I got sick has been to cook the filling and refrigerate or freeze it in batches, then choose a day-starting in the morning- to make the masa and then roll, fill and wrap the pastelles. That sometimes gets done in batches-I don't want the masa to dry out, and I often need a break. That's a long way to say that I'll pace myself and take my time-so don't expect several dozen to be made! I also have the ingredients for sweet bread (I accidentally bought fruit when I had 3 jars in the cupboard, so there's lots!) I didn't prepare garlic pork (sorry, Auntie Jeanne) and I'm waiting for my shipment of black cake (thanks, Auntie Peggy!) leaving cookies as the only other treat. Those may well be either bought (between Costco, the dozen or so neighbourhood bakeries, and Lynne, I should be covered!) or else made in January. There's no law. after all, dictating that there must be all those treats in peace by Dec 25 on pain of punishment.

The rest of my day was spent talking to my father and explaining that I'm working with my niece on planning her university courses. He's concerned about her, and worried that he won't be able to look after and protect her forever. He's also trying to reconcile this lovely, grown up young lady with "his little girl." Honestly, he has moments of referring to me as his "baby girl," which I now find endearing rather than annoying. Today he was writing a list of possible career options for my niece, and I was very happy to hear him sound so engaged and enthusiastic. It's an improvement over his dwelling on his (real and imaginary) ailments and how the world has become so dangerous. His plan is that we all discuss these options, and I also want to emphasize that these are just starting points, not a defined path.  From years of experience, I know how hard it can be to disagree with him, but I'll do my best to support her in finding her path.

That's it for tonight. I'll just add wishes for a lovely 16th birthday to my young cousin, G, and make space for my tiny boss. Good night!


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