
Do you know that it's Tuesday? I had to check my phone, because I didn't know what day it was. I know it's past Boxing Day, but days all blend together for me. I differentiate by appointments, both social and medical, for which my phone will send alerts the night before. I don't know what I did, but my back has resumed causing me pain. We'd done quite well, no pain and reduced medication for weeks, but this morning when I woke up and began to stretch there was a stabbing pain that has stayed all day. Now it feels like a toothache in my spine, and it's draining, annoying, painful and a misery. Jerry has spent most of the day curled up on my lap, just snuggling and petting me on my tummy. Good little boy! Don was having a great time on the phone with his nephews and son - he (like many of the men I know) tends to keep phone calls brief, generally under 3 minutes, but I giggled as he topped half an hour on one call. I'm also happy (but don't tell him) that he's been eating well-turkeys definitely provide many hefty meals!

We're at the time of year when everyone is recapping the events of the past 12 months. I don't know if you agree, but when I look back, I often have forgotten events from January to March. I also, every September, tend to treat it as a new year. Part of me would love to go back to school, but the rest of me appreciates not having coursework and exams. I will devote a post this week to "what I did in the last 12 months," because I find it useful to pause, reflect and review my life from time to time.

Tonight, though, I'll give you a quick project update. I think that I've found the 3 patterns that I'll use for my tablecloth. I'm very excited by this sign of progress. Jerry might not agree, since he spent some time swatting the crochet needle and yarn out of my hands when I wasn't rubbing his tummy or throwing his toy! I made 1 sample, which really is quick (about 30 minutes. allowing petting time) so I can create them fairly easily! One design will be eye-catching, but is likely to be time-consuming. I'll try it next. Oddly. I've found that I am not fully at ease with following a video-I prefer a written pattern, preferably with a stitch chart. Most people, though, definitely prefer videos, as you can see exactly what to do. It's the next best thing to following as your grandmother (or aunt) teaches you. But I prefer that after I've learnt the new technique that I can count stitches and review my work. Chacun a son gout, after all... my grandmother used to say that if we were all the same it would be boring, and God obviously liked variety, since there's so much of it in the world. I will update you on the designs, although I may delay photos until THE BIG REVEAL! (🎼🎶 Dun-dun! Imagine a musical sting there.)

That's all for tonight. Except for a quick question -what colour flowers do you like best? I'm planning red roses (unimaginative, perhaps, but they are a favourite of mine) but I can' t decide on the colours of other flowers. I'd appreciate your thoughts, please. Meanwhile, I have a dog who is butting me to get on my lap, so I'm off! Good night!


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