
For some unknown reason, I didn't sleep well last night. I finally got about 4 hours' sleep, and I'm starting to yawn widely now. Jerry had a lovely time out with his buddy Sam, and he was very excited when she arrived. Don is carefully guarding the phone, waiting for a call back from an electrician after all the excitement last night of a blown circuit when a space heater shorted out. There's no damage, thankfully, and minor inconveniences. It seems that the repairs will wait another day, though, as it's past 6pm now with no call.

My holiday preparations are still not in place. I did buy a tree today-a small one, because space is a premium. Blame Jules, whose tree is magazine-worthy, so I'm now motivated to do a bit more than I'd originally planned. No fear, I won't go overboard, since I'm practicing being sensible. Stand by for updates on how that goes.

We're getting close to the time to submit university applications. My niece and I are narrowing possibilities to 4 programmes. I'm adding to her challenges by pointing out combinations and faculties that she hadn't considered. Our process starts with me asking her interests and then suggesting courses and options that combine some of them. I'm not trying to force her choices, rather I'm trying to encourage her to broaden her thinking. I did an unusual double major myself, and I think that it's been helpful in shaping how I think and work. I don't recommend it as THE solution, but I do think it's important not to seal yourself into a singular field and to learn about different things.  So we're considering Geography related subjects with suggestions for things like information systems (not a popular idea), graphic design; business management; environmental studies... There will be more updates-after she's done rolling her eyes and sighing at me for my "crazy" (or creative) thinking!

I'm heading off to sleep; my yawns are huge. Jerry is also settling in to nap, so we will be going in now. Good night!


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