
Happy Christmas Eve! I hope that you're enjoying the holiday season, and able to spend time with loved ones. I was surprised to learn that one friend spends Christmas Eve alone-I'm surprised since we usually spend time together Christmas Day. Tonight she's home because of the storm, but we've been talking a lot. That gave me pause-so I hope that everyone has company for this season, at least by phone/ video call if not in person. I did some baking today. bread and fruit buns. The buns are cooling now, and the bread is ready to be made into ham and turkey sandwiches this week. Jerry is on my lap, stretched out for petting. It's a little challenging to write, as he keeps trying to push the pen out of my hand or he puts his paw on my iPad and switches apps. Don's watching a football game - although "watching" is a very generous description... nuff said.

I had a discussion today with a friend about the discrepancy between income and expenses in TV shows and movies... It's not possible for most of the families to afford the homes and lifestyles shown. I know I'd have liked one of the palatial apartments with elastic rooms that appear on TV. I can't even imagine the rents- but my friend reminded me that the shows are escapism, so I'm not supposed to ask how an unemployed poet, who might have 2 annual performances at a local cafe, can afford the rent in a 4- bedroom loft. It's like I'm not supposed to wonder about the insurance costs from the destruction caused in the average superhero movie.

I'm watching my traditional Christmas Eve movie, and I'm considering that George really should have moved Uncle Billy to a position of less authority after his behaviour during the bank run. His willingness to prop up his uncle was detrimental to them both. Of course Mr. Potter's extreme dishonesty of keeping the money in Billy's paper is disgraceful. I know, if he hadn't done that, there wouldn't be a story... but I'm annually annoyed by Uncle Billy and his destructive acts. But given his affect, he's probably dealing with a mental or physical illness. George, of course, has an oversized sense of responsibility that is unreasonable. I'll stop, I will, and just join in singing Auld Lang Syne at the end!

I'm doing a test to see if Big Brother does anything useful. I'm looking for the winning lottery numbers in advance for the first draw of the New Year. I'd like to get them by Dec 28, so I can get the ticket and collect the winnings early. If the algorithm does that, I will donate 20% of my gross winnings to an unspecified but legitimate charity. And... go!

With that nonsense, I'm off to finish wrapping presents and load them under the tree-Jerry's will be carefully placed in his reach so that should keep him from attacking everything else. Good night!


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