Cold day

 Definitely a cold start to the day today. It was a lovely, clear blue sky, so very deceptive!  Jerry managed about 5 minutes before starting to hop on 3 legs. That didn't diminish his urge to be outside, though. He'd agitate to be let out, and almost immediately change his mind and complain about the cold. He then would curl up on a lap to warm up his toes. I spent a large part of the day searching for my Christmas decorations- unsuccessfully. You'd think that there aren't many hiding places in a 2- bedroom condo, but clearly, you'd be wrong. I dug through my storage area and came up partly empty- aalthough I did find a few items that I'd forgotten. The tree is therefore still undressed until I get to the storage bin in the garage. I did do some filing so it wasn't a total waste of time. Don just laughed at me while I hunted. Mean!

So since I was hunting for decorations I was also listening to Christmas music. Now, sadly, I never reconnected my stereo system after we moved back post-flood, so I don't have a way to play my CDs. Usually, not a problem, since I use Spotify, but it doesn't have a large selection of parang. So I switched to YouTube, where I was interrupted by ads. (No, I'm not paying for the premium option.) I was able to find many of my favourites there, and I was happily singing along as I did my chores. I am a bit disappointed that the other music services- Spotify, Prime, Stingray & Apple music-have such a poor collection of Trini music. They do have some newer ones, but not the classics that I prefer. Same with other Christmas music-it seems like it's the same dozen or so tunes on repeat. I'd love to hear some traditional carols, but there are a few on loop and others that you might hear at Christmas Eve Midnight Mass. I'd love to hear a wider selection of carols-or even other songs. I mean, there's only so much "All I want for Christmas" I can take! It'd be nice to hear songs like, "I saw three ships" or "While shepherds watched" or "go tell it on the mountain"

I'm resting now, because I did too much in moving stuff and bending over. My back protested and is now aching. I'll be quiet and try to get it to settle down. Good night!


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