
I didn't sleep easily or well last night. I lay awake and tossed for a while, then I awoke early and couldn't go back to sleep. Jerry took it as a sign that it was playtime... he got a longish walk today, and is now sprawled on my lap, with his paw poking my arm to pet him. Don is doing well and is making plans for Christmas dinner-including buying a second (fresh) turkey tomorrow. His idea is for us to shop-before the massive storm forecast. Given that turkey is now less expensive than chicken. it's not a bad idea, and it will mean that we won't need to cook for the rest of the month.

As far as preparation goes, I've made sweet bread, pastelles, and bread; I'm considering other items which may or may not happen. My ambitions often outstrip my capacity and energy! If we do shop tomorrow (or Friday) I'll probably do more things, but for New Year's. Don is, as usual, in charge of the turkey dinner, but I'll do some sides and dessert.

I had a discussion today with my oncologist on my planned treatments. We've got a few options. which is good-to be honest, I'll only worry on the day he says that they can't do anything else. God willing, that's still a few years away. I'm thinking of doing some travelling in 2023, so it would be great if the treatments facilitate that. As with my cooking plans, I'd like to do far more travel than my budget or my physical capacity can handle. I said to my nurse that I'd love to join my godson at his pageant in the Philippines in January, but a 27-hour travel time is more than I can handle… I heard that there's a round-the-world cruise that visits all 7 continents and a few hundred islands. It apparently lasts almost a year; so to do that I'd need a massive lottery win to take a few friends, a nurse and perhaps a caretaker-so I clearly have an active imagination! After a year at sea, I might need to relearn how to walk! More realistically, I'd like to head home, and to go see some family and friends on both sides of the Atlantic.

OK, that's it for tonight. His tiny bossiness is napping on a blanket that he stole from Don, but I can see that he's got an eye open for when I go to bed! Off I go, then... Good night!


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