Holiday decorations are starting to go up… first is this lovely wreath from Larry (other samples of his work are here) I think that Larry does some fabulous designs, so I have no hesitation or shame in promoting his work, especially to people in the GTA/Hamilton/Niagara region. Annoyingly, shipping costs are more than the wreaths themselves, so it’s not really an economical option, which is a pity, as I know several people who might have benefitted from surprise packages in the mail 😊 Jerry is sulking at me as I am not taking him out for a long walk this evening. I’m feeling a bit unstable, so long walks aren’t a great idea, plus it’s bitingly chilly today. Don is feeling fine today, although he had a poor night and slept until almost noon yesterday, then last night he was up watching a sport of some kind. Then we talked about Canada’s entry in the World Cup, and I’ve (again) been labelled “bad sports fan” because I said that I didn’t see that Canada had much chance of winning any of the games (which they didn’t) so it wasn’t as exciting or inspirational as the media was trying to make it seem, with the hype of “historic” challenges… I freely admit that I’m not a football (of any type) fan, so the 90 minutes is just time when my nose is buried in a book or my iPad. I will watch the odd game, but I’m not likely to be glued to the screen for the duration. Besides, when a game is played as defensively as today’s it becomes really boring (but the own goal was hilarious.)
I’m watching Jerry trying to persuade Don to play. He’s leaping up and down, scratching at him, trying to dig under him on the sofa, growling and then coming to butt me with his nose to get help, all the while his tiny stump is waving hard enough to swing his butt. It’s fun watching him try to get his way, as he’s so very persistent in his activities. Sam just texted that she’s on her way over to take him for a long walk, which will make him really happy. Her timing was great.
As we start the Christmas and holiday season, there are also all the preparations that come with it. My sister messaged that she was getting a start on cooking, making some of the goodies we love that will usually last for a while. When I spoke to my father this evening, he asked, “Are you going to make or buy?” I had to say that if I wanted to have them, I’d have to make, as there’s nobody in the Ottawa area who makes these. On reflection, it’s probably not a bad thing that I live here, as it’s improved some of my cooking immensely. Not having access to a range of Caribbean restaurants, as you do in the GTA, meant that I had to make things that I wanted from home if I wanted to eat them here. Finding ingredients is a challenge, but it also meant that I got creative; I’ve found (and scoured) Asian, Indian, Latin-American and African groceries to find substitutes for ingredients. Some of my luggage space is dedicated to ingredients when I return from the Caribbean. Trips to Toronto include visits to restaurants to stock up on items. It’s better than it was when I first arrived in Ottawa 24 years ago. Back then, the spiciest item in the supermarket was black pepper, with the occasional tobasco sauce (disgusting) for heat. Cayenne was a scarce commodity; paprikas was only in specialty stores. Curry was “mild” (and essentially flavourless) and finding “blue food” was like going on a treasure hunt! Having the friends I do, too, has also broadened my food experiences, which I think is a good thing. Although today, I referred to “pickles” as a condiment, and was jumped on by my siblings who asked what was wrong with me? It’s picalilly or chow chow — but in the years that I couldn’t get those, I had to substitute other options. I will admit that I’m not the biggest fan of dill pickles (or garlic dill) but I do enjoy mustard, sweet and vinegary pickles of different types. (I’d found some sour-sweet mixed pickles that are excellent in sweet and sour pork)
Out of curiosity, what is everyone’s favourite cuisine? I know that the cooking networks like to push Italian, which is fine, but in terms of Mediterranean food, I like Slavic and Greek best. I prefer Egyptian/Jordanian food to Israeli, I very much enjoy Moroccan and Spanish, I love Indian and Chinese (notably Cantonese and Shanghai) and I’ve been experimenting with Nigerian dishes (which have a resemblance to many Caribbean dishes). I like spicy and seasoned food, especially; not necessarily hot, but it must have flavour.
Now I’m hungry, so I’m going to try to get some calories in. Jerry is out, and I have a few minutes to myself and Don, so we’ll maximize that! Good night!
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