
I slept in today because I was really exhausted. My tiny overland decided that he needed to settle under my chin, and patted my face with his paw. He then decided to lick my face when he thought I'd slept long enough.. Don wasn't treated to a wake-up face wash, nor a patting, so I'm wondering if I'm his favourite or just the preferred slave du jour?

Besides me, does anyone notice that they're forgetful? I'm not forgetting things like food on the stove, or leaving the bath running. It's other stuff-I'll think of a brilliant idea to post, but as soon as I pull up the screen, I'm blank, and left scrambling for ideas! Or I'll walk into a room to do something, walk out and realize that I didn't do it... or (and this is really annoying!) open my browser to look up a topic and I stare at the screen trying to remember! I ask this because some of my (cheeky!) friends say that it's because I'm old; some say it's a lack of focus, and there are those who blame my cancer & treatments. I don't know which it is; I'm not a fan of any of them at a long-term explanation. Although, side- effects from chemo should be temporary and reversible, right?

Today’s burning question - why are museums and other such exhibits geared mainly to kids?  Or, perhaps more to the point, why is it apparently unacceptable to go to museums once you’re a teen or older? I enjoy visiting them and talking worth docents out listening to the material.  However, it seems that any time I go there’s a house of rug rats running unrestrained, shrieking at the top of healthy lungs and pushing buttons regardless of their effect on other visitors. Maybe my gripe should be with the adults who don’t teach respect and restraint to their charges?  But I do find it disappointing that exhibits don’t seem aimed at adults and that the general public appears to relegate museums to “boring obligation” as opposed to “centre of knowledge.”  I make it a point to visit museums in any city I visit, including where I live, and I prefer days when there aren’t school tours. Personally, I’d love it if libraries and museums were free public places that were more used and celebrated. Love them both as things to do on dreary days where I’m transported to exciting worlds.  

I've been working on a crochet flower for a while. I found a lovely pattern (video in Spanish only) and I'm following along. It's a new stitch, based on Tunisian crochet. I have to say that it creates a lovely texture, and the petals look more realistic than a more traditional approach.. But it is finicky, time-consuming and a freaking pain in the proverbial! (And fingers.) I'd stop and find a simpler pattern except that I don't want to let a stitch defeat me. (Pride is a thing.) Once I finish this flower I'll have a choice-do I make all that I originally planned (so 11 more) or modify my design and substitute other flowers and just have this one?  I guess my plan will depend on finishing this one, and then we'll see. Well, they do say that great art comes from suffering, although I'm not sure that a crochet stitch is a form of pain! (Yes, you may point out that I'm whining!)


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