
Winter is coming-the temps are starting to drop below zero and it promises to be very cold tonight. Jerry has a love- hate relationship with cold. He gets extra frisky, but also shivers badly. It doesn't help that he refuses to wear boots or a coat. Right now, he's perched on Don's shoulder hoping to mooch some fries from his dinner. I'm being glared at by a tiny dog who wants access to my lap.

The tree is in place, but is waiting for ornaments. That's going to be my weekend project. It's a small tree, but very cute. A picture will be posted when it's done. The tree arrived a day ago, and I spent a few minutes digging out Christmas decorations. I did find several things that I'd forgotten I had. I'll definitely have fun setting up the tree- I haven't done one for several years-last year I was at my sister's, and before that I wasn't too well. It's fun, in a way. but at the same time, a lot of unnecessary work. It's good, though. I enjoyed the setup, and I like watching the lights.

I got a new screen protector for my iPad. It's got a surface that makes it feel more like writing on paper when I use the Apple pencil. I saw it as a recommendation in a magazine on improving the experience for artists and writers who work on tablets. I can say that it does feel like I'm writing on some (very expensive) paper. Definitely a good recommendation and buy.

Anyone else wish that laundry took care of itself? So you take off dirty clothes, drop them into a chute, and just get all new items when you needed clean ones. I've been watching Star Trek (side note, Picard season 2 was good) and the replicator technology is really something we should develop.. Just think of it-it would immediately solve the problem of garbage disposal, recycling and storage. You could program your favourite outfits in every colour there is, always in a perfect fit. Wouldn't it be nice? And you'd never have laundry day, or days when you're out of clean underwear. Can we start working on building that future?

OK, I need to make room for a small black dog who's trying to get cuddles. So I wish you a good weekend ahead, and good night.


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