

Remember that I did groceries so I didn't need to shop this week except for a few items? Well, I didn't account for Mr. "Must do too much" who decided that he had to have a fresh turkey, an assortment of pies and several other items! We went to the grocery today ahead of the storm, and he came in with me... he later admitted that the store was too big for him and he had to sit on a display of boxes to recover. I took his list and got most of the items, so I was tired. Then when we got home we were both gasping for breath (I get short of breath when I carry any weights or bend over, and he struggles to breathe normally) My afternoon plans had to be cancelled while we regained energy. After all that, I asked a friend to buy us a turkey, since Don found the options were unsatisfactory. It's sitting in the fridge now. He's talking about going shopping again tomorrow. Sigh. Jerry is not in favour of that, as he thinks we should always be in sight!

I watched a Cary Grant movie today, "The Bishop's Wife! I'd never seen it before, although I'd heard about it-and I know that a remake was made some years ago (ok, it starred Whitney Houston so it's over 20 years old) It was charming to watch, and I was reminded of "It's a Wonderful Life" while I watched. I've got a few more Christmas movies to indulge in over the next few days, so I'll be full of sappiness!

I shut off the listening function on my phone and tablet, because I'd like to have some minimal protection of my privacy. I also restrict feedback for the same reason, and I limit my participation in some online games, quizzes and social media apps. It's a vain attempt to protect my info. I know that I leave digital footprints when I browse, and I try to limit those too. All of that, though, is useless since the AI has wormed its way into my thoughts! I wrote about a cruise last night, and I saw print ads that sparked my post. Then this morning I got 3 emails all promoting cruises!! How, I ask, did they choose me? Clearly, there's mind reading software and a self-aware AI at play... or it was a coincidence. But those are the result of a glitch in the matrix... I wonder if I think about winning the $50 million jackpot that will happen, or whether I'll get emails for betting apps, on the AI will realize that I'm aware of it and I'll get calls from telemarketers? Speaking of, I was awoken by a telemarketer who said that I'd "won" US$70 million and a Mercedes Benz car, and I just needed to provide my banking details and credit card (??) to start getting payments... I hung up after laughing at him.

I'm going to sleep now; I'm tired after today, I have a small dog trying to climb into my lap, so it's bedtime. Good night


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