Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day, and start of Kwanzaa. It's a chilly, snowy day here, and we're at home recovering from last week's exertions. Don was watching Junior Hockey for a large part of the afternoon, while Jerry and I took a nap. Then we watched the musical Cinderella. Jerry had fun with his new toy. and playing with Don. My nurse was here early this morning, so I needed a little rest.

I'm following my dietician's instructions to "eat by the clock; so I have several small meals during the day.. We're trying to stabilize my weight, and since I don't often feel hungry. Today I had some leftover turkey (that will be for a while still;) and trimmings, and I'm enjoying a cup of tea now. I had some Cheetos earlier, which was probably not the wisest choice, as it makes me feel full with no real benefit. I'll keep trying-I'm due another "meal" this evening. but it's likely to be an Ensure, as I feel stuffed. And I'll avoid Cheetos for a while... instead I'll substitute turkey salad-and lemon shortcake. That was a pleasant surprise, I admit.

Hmm.- while I'm in a confessional-esque mode (a level of open honesty. but no expectation of confidentiality; hence the "-esque") I was naughty. My nurse talked longingly of wanting a dog. She'd had dogs in the Philippines, and she really misses their company, but her husband doesn't like dogs and won't consider a pet... so I suggested that she perpetrate a minor fraud and get someone to "gift" her a puppy so she gets her dog... It's not my business, and I'm definitely overstepping boundaries, no doubt. My excuse is that I prefer problem-solving, and I dislike hearing "you aren't allowed..." even at a remove. She won't act on it, I know, so I don't feel too guilty about making the suggestion but I also have a flare of anger? irritation? I'm not sure how to describe it, nor why I feel it. Perhaps I should just listen quietly and not react? But I would much prefer that people not be limited in their choices or actions by others who make decisions for them. Joint action, compromise-all ideal, but one adult controlling the actions and choices of another is a trigger for me... Someone tell me to just mind my business and not interfere. Instead, I'll refer people to Women Speak Up (for mentoring support) and encourage them to develop agency.  It’s a great organization, the founder is a wise, caring woman and their programs are inspirational.

Jerry is trying to get me to play with his new toy, so I'll be off now. Happy birthday, Jo-may you have a great day! Good night.


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