
Ouch! I'm stiff, sore, aching all over and struggling to breathe. This is the result of shopping at Costco and having a very full cart. (And I didn't get everything on the list either!) When we got home my support worker helped pack away stuff but there's more in the car that will be brought up when she's next here. I knew, halfway through the store, that I had run low on energy, but I couldn't stop. I'll definitely need to get lots of rest after today! Jerry has been on high alert today, and is unsettled. It started with the building's fire alarm testing-which he hates- then I was on the phone, and then we were out (he went to PetSmart while I got groceries) and then my support worker... lots of excitement! Don is also tired out, and he's aching also. Tomorrow is not a busy day-I have spoken! We're expecting a snow storm tomorrow evening so we will hunker down.

It was a lovely surprise running into an old friend today at Costco. It was pleasant to look up and see her, and we spent a few minutes in the meat section doing a rapid catch up, and met a few more times as we wandered. It was really busy for a mid-week day while school is still in session. I admit that meeting my friend cancelled any frustration with traffic and crowds. I know that we've griped in the past about Costco having Christmas decorations up in July, and today, 10 days before Christmas, there are no trees, but many aisles of gift baskets, cookies and sweets in Christmas packaging. There were also pointsettias and planters with firs and painted snow - although if you put it outside it’ll be snow-covered in no time!  I had a few minutes of happily considering gift possibilities (and getting a short rest) I really enjoy browsing stores and getting ideas. This year, though, I'm having to remind myself not to get gifts for Auntie Ming; it just feels wrong. especially when I see something she would like.

While we're on the subject of Costco-a place that is always busy! It's often cited as a way to help manage your food budget, as bulk buys can save money. While that's definitely something to consider, it's also essential to know prices. For instance, while Costco has deals on things like toilet paper. party supplies (disposable plates and cutlery) and many food items, (including rotisserie chicken) there are others that aren't so good. Like this week, my regular grocery had flour on for almost half the price ($10-compared to $19 at Costco.) That's a big difference! Similarly, russet potatoes were $3/10 lbs compared to Costco's $10/10 lbs. Rather annoying to have to go to several stores to complete a shop, isn't it? On one hand it is, but on the other I'm privileged to have that option and the means to go from one store to another. I could have had just one store, or not had access to a car, or any of a dozen other limiting factors, including possibly mobility issues.

Happily, other than my aches, pains and general misery, I'm effectively done grocery shopping for 2022! There will be a quick trip for a few fresh items (celery, fruit, other vegetables, milk...) but all the major things are bought! I'll go in early January to restock, but that's a month away.

Having said that, it's just sunk in that 2022 is almost done! It will be gone in just over a fortnight! Soon I'll have to recap what I learnt this year and consider my plans for 2023. Before we get there, though-are you a fan of warehouse shopping? Like Costco-style stores, or do you prefer small businesses? I like community agriculture, but I can't eat enough to make it worthwhile. I tend to use frozen vegetables more, except for those (like eggplant, or bok choi) that I can't... On that note, I've got to deal with a lap dog who is napping on mine! Good night!


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