
Happy Christmas Adam, aka Tibbs' Eve! It's a fun, fake holiday with roots in Trinidad and Newfoundland. My friend from NL and I realized that they combined well. On Christmas Adam, the baking, pre-Christmas cleaning and gift wrapping are completed, so all homey activities. Tibbs' Eve sees the men heading to the neighbourhood pub to escape house work! Like I said, a fun, fake holiday. There's a huge winter storm affecting the whole continent, with thousands of cancelled flights, hundreds of car accidents, multiple power outages and howling winds. Last night, the wind howled like a convention of banshees.  Jerry didn't like it at all, and tried to burrow under me to hide. Today was windy and wet, where last night's ice began to melt, causing flooding on many streets, and the snow is coming in, so the floods will freeze, leaving a layer of ice under the snow. Dangerous walking conditions, to say the least! Don went out today to buy a few last minute grocery items. I was worried when he said he was going because of the storm. He said it was liquid rain, so off he went, had an adventure, and returned home, tired. He's fast asleep now... Jerry hasn't left me all day, as the wind hasn't died down, although the rain changed from ice to water and now to snow.  He just relocated to cuddle Don so I have a few minutes to write.

I need your opinion on the answer to a question, please. If you have several items as gifts to someone, is it better to have them individually wrapped, or all in a large wrapped box? I was talking about it with someone, and she likes the single wrapped box and I prefer the mountain of gifts! What's your preference? And on a second topic-do you have traditions around Christmas activities, like watching favourite movies, reading favourite stories or making a particular dish? I, as I've mentioned, have several movies and TV specials in which I indulge, and I do have a few stories that I enjoy. Among them is the 1920's Austrian Christmas in Jo of the Chalet School. It was written in 1926, and is soaked in charm. Then I love the pioneer Christmases in the Laura Ingalls-Wilder Little House series, starting with... in the Big Woods, the special one on the Prairie and the Long Winter's delayed celebrations. They all have a strong family connection and deep affection, rather than a focus on gifts. Clearly, I'm getting old and probably sappy  - if I continue like this, I'll start talking about "back in the old days..." if I do that. you have my permission to slap me hard and give me a whiskey. (Highland or Irish, 18 years or older!) then send me to a beach in the Caribbean!

Quick project update... I've decided to scrap the flower pattern I started, because it's really unsuitable for the weight of yarn and size of hook that I'm using. It would work better in a heavier yarn, but so far it's only a source of snarled yarn and frayed temper! I only got about a third complete before a massive tangle happened, I frogged (= unravelled; you "rip it, rip it") several times and, well, if I want to finish the work before I'm 55, I'd need to adjust my plans. So I'm researching other patterns. Stay tuned for updates!

That’s all for tonight. I’m watching White Christmas for the millionth time, flipping back to A Christmas Carol every so often. When you can recite dialogue with the actors you’ve probably seen it too many times! Good night!


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