At home!

Whee!  I’m at home, and mostly under the guard of a tiny monster who gives me 0.03 SECONDS after I sit before he jumps on my lap!  My nieces had a good laugh at that, when we were talking.  I got up to get some water, and as SOON as I sat down, there was a blur and a small black dog planted himself on my lap, spreading himself to get his tummy petted.  Yesterday, I spent the better part of the morning at the hospital getting the PICC line inserted into my left arm (it’s supposed to go on the right arm, but my veins refused to play nice, and the nurse couldn’t find one that worked, so we switched sides.  My nurse came to set up the IV, and I had a minor issue with the pole (I don’t have the handy little pouch pump, as they’re in high demand) which was too tall to go through the door for the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen… so I just had to sit quietly in my chair until the drip ended around 9pm.  Today, he didn’t make the pole quite so tall, so I could go to the bathroom as needed.  What a relief!!!

The flowers are from my almost-big-brother Larry’s garden.  I either need to move in with him, or else … well, I’ll have to move in with him!  He’s magical  with flowers and arrangements.  He did some breathtaking arrangements of roses for my 50th, and they remain legendary!  This is just for his coffee table… no further comment.

Jerry has been busy jumping from lap to lap, trying to decide who needs to be more closely monitored.  He’s right now on Don, watching me closely… He doesn’t know what to make of the pole and the tubes.  It’s funny to me, as he’s openly confused, but he’s really trying to make sense of the situation.  I would very much like to have the next scan and be able to say, “all the spots are gone!!! Poof!” But that’s not really likely.  I’ll be optimistic and hopeful.  We’ve agreed that we won’t be using the same drug again, so there’s an upcoming conversation about other choices.  I am again making the bold move of asking for ALL of your positive, strong thoughts that we’ll find an option to give me healing power.  I’d like to see my baby niece and nephew grow up, that my older niece finds ways to make me even prouder, that my godchildren give me shocks and I can be here in 15 - 20 years.  I have plans to annoy people, find awesome things to make wonders and places to visit, so if you could add your strength, that would be supertabulous, thanks!

That’s used up most of my ridiculously imaginative ideas, so I’m going to dream of awesome new worlds, thanks!  Good night!


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