Big day!

🎼🎶 Happy birthday to me… Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes today, whether by phone, email, text, message or puppy telepathy!  I had a lovely day, and a fabulous BBQ lime at my friend’s place with a small group of people who I hadn’t seen practically since the pandemic started!  It was wonderful catching up with everyone (and looking at all the fur-baby pictures that dominate these gatherings!)  My boys opted out of joining us (something about games on TV and someone needing to babysit a tiny monster puppy who was doing  his best to keep me from leaving the house!)  My birthday cake from Don was cut around 11:00 this morning (a Boston cream cake) and there was another chocolate cake and brownies later, along with an awesome international assortment of foods.  I’m stuffed, tired but very happy to have had such a great time with my tremendous friends!

There’s an advantage to technology, as we learned through the past few years, in that I was able to see and hear my baby niece and nephew sing “Happy burday Annie Sona!” (All meltingly cute) and have a chat with my other niece and my sister and dad simultaneously.  (My older niece was cooking Sunday lunch for the family, using some of my recipes, and she’s getting very good at them.  I’m so proud!!) Plus I spoke to a couple of other friends — one from Trinidad, one in Hamilton — and it’s so nice to see them even though we’re separated by all this distance.  

I’m very grateful for another year around the sun, and I pray for many more just to be able to enjoy days like this where a group of disparate individuals can manage to share their diverse experiences and emerge emotionally richer and well-fed!  To everyone who I didn’t see today, I hope that we get an opportunity to meet over the summer.

I’m being butted to let me know that it’s way past the bedtime of the tiny dictator, so I’ll wrap up and head in.  Good night everyone, and sweet dreams 😘


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