
Apparently it’s almost summer… just one more reason to love June!  I learned that my home care nurse and I share the same birthday, although he’s several years my junior.  He’s referring to the day as “our” birthday, which is excellent.  It was a beautiful, picture perfect summer’s day, with cloudless skies.  I watched our local hawks circling overhead for a while, although they were chased off by the endless, annoying noise of the construction which starts at 7 and goes until almost 6pm.  I understand why people go on rampages now…. Thankfully my pain is not back, and it’s been a week now since we reduced the pain medication, so I’m relieved about that.  Don is feeling well enough that he’s scheduled to get his second booster tomorrow — he was eligible about 2 weeks ago, was feeling off, so I’m pleased that he’s going to get that done.  Jerry is curled up on Don now, having left me after his attempts to mooch my cheese-and-crackers were less successful than he wanted.  His telepathic, “I’m a starving, unloved, neglected puppy” look didn’t work too well… 😂 

My nurse noticed that I’ve regained some weight.  We’re happy about that, because I had lost so much during chemo that he was a little concerned about my energy.  My appetite has improved, although there are days when I don’t feel like eating much, but they aren’t too frequent, which is a good thing.  I just need enough of my energy to return so I can begin cooking again so I have a little more variety.  I really don’t have the spare energy to do things that I’d like to do.  I’m trying not to complain, it’s just observational and my frustration sometimes becomes strong… I plan to do something and then find that I’m exhausted and gasping for air… although my new party trick is that I can squat to pick up items off the floor.  That’s an improvement as I wasn’t able to do that for quite a long time.  

I’m going to retreat back into my books where my limitations don’t exist and I can have a wonderful time imagining that I’m able to do all kinds of things.  It’ll be fine… and I’m going to enjoy the long daytime, since it’s mid-summer tomorrow!  Perhaps I can play tricks with Puck or join the revels of Oberon and Titania… yes, Shakespeare.  Good night!


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