
I need to thank everyone who took the time to send me emails, WhatsApp and Messenger notes with encouragement for what I’ve been dealing with lately.  I honestly don’t think that I’m special or unusual or anything like that, and I truly thank you for the love and support that you’ve sent me.  (and those who were thinking about the messages, I appreciate the thoughts, and I know that when you’ve got a moment, or when you have a better idea of what to say, I look forward to hearing from you.). Life is certainly complicated enough that I don’t think that it’s necessary to add guilt to everyday feelings so please don’t.  If you want to reach out, I look forward to hearing from you.  Otherwise, remember that I still feel care and love.  Thank you Larry for sharing this! 😘 

Where I do not feel love is watching the news and the coverage of the trial in the USA of the January 6 insurrectionists.  It’s horrifying to me that a country that promotes itself as the bastion of democracy has fallen to this state.  So many things that I could say, but won’t because it will “harsh my buzz” and send me down dark paths that are of no use to me, and will delay my healing.  I honestly do not understand the thinking of people who would do that, (or, honestly, swarm and block downtown Ottawa as they complain about loss of freedoms that haven’t been affected.). As frustrating as it is to deal with those people, it’s much worse to spend my time and limited energy either trying to understand them or deal with the anger and hatred that they seem to exude with every breath!  It’s sad, and I feel pity for them, but I’ll be honest that they are low on my priority list.  In my opinion, “I did my own research” = “I watched several YouTube videos by people who are sensationalist and I’d rather believe them than listen to actual experts.”  Many many words have I that will remain unspoken!!

Once again, I’m falling asleep on myself, although it’s not that late.  But I’ll say “Good night, my friends”  I’ll ask you (although it’s totally unnecessary, as you’re all supremely clever and discerning!)  to be on your guard for people who want to spread some bizarre stories and you’ll have to roll your eyes and set them straight!  May you have a great rest and we’ll chat again soon! 😘


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