
I really enjoy these flower pictures from you guys.  They are so pretty and cheerful that they make up for days that are less than spectacular.  Not today, in particular, today was ok, except that my back has again begun to spasm!!!  WTF, back?  WTAH?  I thought that we’d reached an accommodation where you didn’t do all those stab-me-in-the-back things, and I treat you nicely by not lifting heavy items or pretending that I’m a gymnast or something.  I kept my end, so… over to you.  I’ll wait for your explanation, which had better be reasonable!!!  As the humidity climbs, I’m also noticing that it’s more challenging to take a deep breath.  There may be a conversation in the not-too-distant future about options, most of which I don’t favour.  But we’ll leave those until then.  No point rushing difficult conversations, right?  The boys are both doing well, I’m pleased to report.  Jerry had a jag of mischief around midnight when he wanted to play with his toys, and got himself evicted from the bedroom.  He was unimpressed and let me know that my behaviour was unacceptable.  Not Don.  Just me.  I have to question the affection of this tiny monster, who is now snuggled up against Don, happily sucking up!  

Tomorrow is my cousin’s birthday.  I remember as a child being excited that her birthday was the day before mine, because we each got our own day to celebrate.  (She’s sufficiently older than I am for that not to matter, but I was a small child.)  My brother and sister also have June birthdays, but they’re 2 weeks before me.  When we were kids, we’d have to share parties (remember doing that?  In the days with homemade cakes, and ring games?)  The upside was that our cousins were regulars at the party, and we all had fun plus the birthday cake was made by my aunt and iced by our grandmother, so it was always great. I’m still enough of a kid to love birthday cakes on my birthday, preferably with ice cream, but it’s not mandatory!  I’ve been told that at my age I should not want cakes and candles, but how else do you get your birthday wishes?  And besides, birthday cake is calorie free and has zero negatives to it!!  It’s just full of love and joy and happiness and birthday yumminess!

OK, I’m clearly sleep deprived and loopy.  I’d better go to sleep before I get even more nuts!  Good night!


  1. Happy birthday 🎂
    Wishing you a wonderful sunny birthday day, to help you celebrate this special day, surrounded by great friends, decadent food and good cheers  

    Missing you.  You are in my thoughts and prayers. 

    Take care 

  2. Happy birthday 🎂 beautiful Sonja,
    Wishing you a wonderful sunny birthday day, to help you celebrate this special day, surrounded by great friends, decadent food and good cheers
    Take care 


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