
I’ve got a little lap guard… he spent as much time on my lap as he could manage, sitting at alert.  I went for a short walk today (I think that the next block was moved about 3 miles further away!) without the dog, as I had to go to the pharmacy. I had to sit a few times, but I made it.  YAY me!  Don had a burst of energy, but used it all at once, so now he needs to rest and recover… And, by the way, for the people who think that Jerry matters more to me than anyone else, you’re only partly right.  (I like him better than many people, but not everybody). Anyone trying to compete with my Jerry affection will just get his patented snort and get his back turned on them!  I’m still trying to adjust to being bald, but I’m not used to it yet.  Thanks to everyone who gave me compliments on my baldness. I’m trusting and believing you — although I still have my wigs for backup!  I continue to have less pain than I did before, Thank God!  Plus we’ve reduced my pain meds, so I’m waiting for that to take full effect, and we’re optimistic that they will show good results.

It’s an exciting day for my niece, as she’s now able to apply for her learner’s permit.  We were talking about that today, and she’s looking forward to getting her licence.  I had promised to pay for her driver’s test when she was 14 or 15, and she won’t let me forget that 😂 She’s planning to pick me up at the airport on my next trip.  I’m looking forward to that!  It would be fabulous.  I always love the moment when the kids are old enough to do an airport run to collect me.  We’re also planning our next tea party menu — it sounds delicious, and we’re eager to try them out.  We may do one of our video cooking sessions, which are not as much fun as in person, but are a close second.  I really need to talk to my hands to stop spasming and shaking to that I can write out the recipes for her!  I’m generally OK, but there are moment when my hands just shake and jump (not as badly as when I was in hospital, but still badly enough to interfere with my writing!) so I can’t properly write what I need to say.  It will be great, and soon.  I’ve also got to finish the gifts for my baby niece and nephew, and mail them off before they turn 10!! 🙄  I’m also really excited for my goddaughter and her makeup career.  She’s been sharing a few photos and videos of what she’s been doing, and I’m really thrilled.  She’s working on a movie, where she’s been busy creating the “look” of the villain… it’s just fabulous!  

I’m delightedly reading books that I’d ignored for a while, but I’m struggling with one book that’s the end of a series because of the eternal struggle of “I want to know what happens” vs “I don’t want this to end!”  But I have a delightful collection in the TBR (to be read) pile… and if anyone is looking for book ideas, feel free to DM me so that there aren’t duplicates 😂  (Yes, I have no manners.  No need to remind me 🤪)

I’m going to enjoy this lovely night for a little while before I go to bed.  I’ve been dozing off all afternoon, feeling utterly exhausted!  Right now, I have a wee bit of energy, but rather than using it all up, I’ll take some to sit out on the balcony and carry my water out with me.  Good night everyone!  May your dreams be filled with joy!


  1. Your spirit and determination is just awesome.


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