
It’s summer, and official, “OMG, it’s so hot!!” complaints season!  It was over 30C today, and really warm with no rain in the forecast for today.  The complaining began already as it went from heavy rain and dramatic storms to severe heat, and Canadians are excellent at griping at the weather.  I’m finding that it’s challenging to remain awake in the heat of the afternoon, but that’s all.  Don is also having difficulty (as usual) with the heat, but it’s still tolerable so far.  Cool showers are a boost!  Jerry is a little heat generator, so he’s often evicted from his resting spot, and he’s taken to crawling under the furniture and hiding out.  We’re having lilacs again because I like them and I love the scent and they were late this year, so why not?

Don’s been awesome this week.  He snuck off to the supermarket one evening, came home and quietly slipped a package into the freezer.  He just sent me to see that he’d bought me lobster so that I can have my annual birthday lobster, even though we’re not heading out for them!  And, also carefully concealed behind some Pepsi in the fridge, is a birthday cake!  Squee!  So I can enjoy them this week, since the “official” birthday party is the barbecue at my friend’s house tomorrow afternoon.  As per usual, I’ll happily celebrate for a month because any reason to celebrate is a good one, right?

A year ago I was extremely delighted to be allowed home after spending an unscheduled 6 weeks in hospital for surgery.  I was very pleased to be reminded of my homecoming, which was timed so that I could celebrate at home… can I stress how awesome it is to come home and sleep in your own bed after being in hospital?  I’m perfectly happy to not be in hospital, thank you kindly, and may it continue for a long time where I can be at home!  

OK, it’s bedtime (almost) and I’m going to try to catch up on some of my sleep.  Have a good night, and we’ll catch up soon!  Dream well.


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