
It’s a slightly chilly Monday, and I’m wrapped in a cozy sweater because I feel so cool. It’s unusual but it will pass — I won’t complain about the summer weather, even if the news anchors are trying to be cute saying things like, “summer has hit ‘pause’”. It is what it is.  

Jerry is a little unhappy because for 6 hours a day, I have the IV connected to me, so he can’t climb into my lap, because he tangles into the cords, and I remove him so he won’t either hang himself or damage the cords.  (More that he doesn’t hang himself.  I’ve got enough cords so I’m not going to worry too much about them.). Don has yielded to the need to use his cane, in the house, but not for too long.  He seems to be a little better today, but I’m just crossing my fingers that the improvement continues.

This week is a series of doctor’s appointments.  I’ve got nurses coming to hook me up for hydration (I won’t show pictures, because they’re somewhat gross) that lasts about 6 hours.  Then tomorrow I have my crack o’dawn appointment, and Wednesday is another one — today I had one at 4 — so it’s going to be busy.  I have other upcoming sessions with the social worker, hopefully my support worker (there’s a phone call coming…) and so on.  I’m tired thinking about it!

So a question for my artistic friends — any of you work in resin?  Is it difficult to learn?  Messy?  Require a lot of time and space?  I saw several videos of resin jewellery and I’m tempted to try making some pieces, but I don’t know if it’s worth the effort, plus the expense of materials, etc.  If anyone can share some insight, that would be great, thanks.  I’m perfectly happy with my crochet, and I have a few new techniques to learn, which would occupy my spare time.  That’s my question du jour.  And now, I’m off to sleep, because appointment at crack of dawn doesn’t allow for much or late sleep!  Good night!


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