
Day 3 when I managed to get out for a bit!  I’ve hit a wall for the moment, so early bed tonight after a hot drink.  Don has also had an extra large spurt of energy, so he’s been doing a lot today.  Tomorrow looks like being a lazy one.  We were out on the balcony this afternoon, having ice cream, when I looked up to find that the tiny monster was using his telepathy on me to get some of my (chocolate, so he was out of luck!) cone.  It didn’t work on Don either, so he’s annoyed with us both tonight.  We had some storms this afternoon, with rather a lot of thunder and some occasional downpours but it’s turned into a very pleasant afternoon.  I find that it’s a bit of a challenge to breathe easily when the weather is humid.  That started last year, but I’m hoping that it doesn’t repeat this!  I know that my medical team is more than capable of getting me an oxygen tank if I need one, but I’d rather avoid it if possible.

Today I had one of those experiences that I dislike because it reminds me that I am sick, even though I try hard not to let it show.  Don and I were heading to the grocery, but when we got to the garage door, Don realized that he’d  forgotten his keys.  I’m slightly more mobile than he is, so I said I’d go back to get them.  When the elevator stopped in the basement where I was waiting, there was a woman there, who had clearly hopped a ride to the basement.  I got on, and she looked at me with pity written all over her face;  I was wearing one of those little “chemo caps” to cover my baldness.  She asked how I was doing, and whether I had finished chemo… then went on to tell me about her friend who has breast cancer and who is dealing with nausea and vomiting (poor woman) That at least filled the time until she got off on her floor.  I thought, “Right, from now on I don’t leave the house without my wig!”  I clearly look more like a cancer patient than I thought!  I HATE the way I look now, with the hernia and the curvature in my spine so I look more like a squashed Quasimodo than anything else… my clothes don’t fit the way they’re supposed to, and I just feel awful.  I’ve been switching loose fitting dresses so I don’t see the bulge on my side, but pants are a necessity in colder weather… at least I’ve got a few months of dresses and sandals before I have to worry about pants again!

I’m going to head in now.  I’m feeling a bit wiped, and I could use the rest.  TTYS.  Good night!


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