I'm finally back home! Complete with tiny guard dog glued to my lap. Being all protective and guarding. He won't give me any room
Don isn't feeling well. He's walking around like a man in his 80'S... Which is what he is.. So I'll just tease him.
I'm easily and quickly tired. Short walks, or things like pouring a glass of water, mean that I need to sit. I'm sitting quietly, waiting for nurse #3 to try to install my IV. If he fails, apparently, the theory is that igo to the ER, but my weak immune system is not going there!! I’ll just drink lots of water and wait for my PICC line to be inserted. Patience, virtue, grace and all that!
I’m just waiting for my third nurse to try to insert the IV, and then back to bed. Although it’ll probably run out in the middle of the night, unless I get it set to run for 10-11 hours… we’ll see.
If anyone can explain “the birds 🦅 and the bees 🐝” and how they work to produce babies, I’d be interested. My niece and I don’t understand it. But I did explain human sexuality and reproduction to her and my godchildren, with minimal trauma, but when I’m asked about anthromorphic 🦅 and 🐝… I give up!
Good night all!
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