
I’m still recovering from my very fun Sunday.  It’s a little discouraging (if I let myself dwell on it) that it takes me so long to recover from an activity that I enjoy.  Thankfully, it’s been cooler and fairly comfortable, so I’m not suffering, so yay.  Jerry has had several bursts of energy where he wants to play.  He’s a high-energy dog, and when he gets those jags… I think that he could probably power a small village for a week or two!  Don is well, and he and Jerry have been play wrestling… I think that he’s got a boost himself from the chocolate birthday cakes and birthday brownies!  Between the two of them, it’s like having some very energetic kids in the house!

I reread some of my past birthday posts, and I found a recurrent theme among them (I’ve found several recurring themes, so either I’m stuck in a rut or I feel the need to stress some ideas… I’ll leave it up to you to decide which it is!)  But for my birthday, I have been thankful for celebrating another year of life; for some really awesome, loving and supportive friends and a resolve to choose to be positive and optimistic over doom and despair.  I don’t think that those are bad choices, right?  It’s too easy to give in to sadness when things are difficult, and sometimes it’s hard to find reasons to be thankful, but I’ll keep on trying!  As I think I mentioned before, my gratitude journal wrapped up fairly quickly because I was always being thankful for the same things (almost, anyway.  It’s astounding how many times I was happy to have a cup of tea and a good book!  Or a phone call from a friend, as my “thing I’m happy about today!”)  

So today, I’m thankful for having celebrated another year in the company of loving friends, and having received many messages wishing me happiness and health.  I don’t think that I can overstate how much I appreciate the expressions of love and kindness that I’ve received.  (Plus the many “birthday bonus” emails which offer me discounts for shopping this month!  Those may not be used as much, because I don’t really need to buy a lot.  Another reason for gratitude.)  I will wrap up on the note that I hope that we can celebrate again in the years to come.  It would be fabulous to think that my major milestone birthdays would be celebrated by the same group of people (maybe with a few additions?) who have been so lovely to share in my birthdays (lobster dinners…) for the past 15 or so years.  OK, I’m about to be scratched into a bleeding heap in a moment if I keep ignoring a tiny dictator who objects to my lap being filled by my ipad.  So, Good night, sweet dreams and may you be surrounded by loving family and friends always!


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