
   What a gorgeous day it was today!  Started off a little cool and cloudy, but it cleared up and was just all sunshine,  lollipops and rainbows everywhere!  We’ve got a bit of a breeze while I sit on the balcony and it’s a really lovely sunshiny afternoon.  Jerry is sulking because I’ve pushed him off my lap as he tries to jump on me and push my keys.  He’s sitting on my feet and letting me know that he is seriously unhappy with my choices!  Don is ok, so that’s encouraging.  As proof, he’s laughing when I make mistakes watching a trivia show.  I claim chemo fog, which I’m blaming for everything that goes wrong when I try to think clearly.  Anyone who disagrees with me will be treated to a raspberry 🤪 and perhaps a side glare.   😂

Well, I’m happy about a couple of small things.  I was able to cook and eat a meal, which is a HUGE step forward.  The meal actually stretched to 3 servings, so that was 3 meals!  Woo!  The other is that my dear friend has been encouraging me to plan my birthday party.  I had already negotiated with my oncologist that I’d be on a “break” for that week, but at the same time I really hadn’t paid close attention to what I wanted to do.  I’m getting closer to making a decision, and right now I’m hoping that none of the intended guests develop any illness before the end of the month (and nobody gets ill after that!)    I had considered one location, but they were horribly expensive — over $100 before taxes!  I can’t ask that of people, especially with gas being as expensive as it is, and all the regular expenses that we have!  So idea generator is in steep while I think about this.

I also learned that several of my friends are dealing with various illnesses in their families.  One dear friend is undergoing an emergency appendectomy tonight; another, a friend of my parents’, just told me that her husband had a heart attack; and the mother of another friend was in hospital over the weekend.   None of those are in Ottawa, and the latter two are in Trinidad, and I’m extremely relieved to hear that they are back at home… we just are waiting for the emergency appendectomy.    I will be praying for his safe and quick recovery, and if any of you are so inclined, please join me!    Illness is harder on the family than on the actual patient, as the family would much prefer that they take on the suffering so their loved one is spared.  It sadly doesn’t work like that, as the patient is the one who has to undergo the treatment.    It’s just another reason why I’m so grateful for the medical staff at the hospitals.  They’re there providing care for patients to whom they are not related.  They still give good care, tending illness, wounds and all sorts of issues, and all too often receive abuse from people who are frustrated for reasons having nothing to do with their actions!  They are super stars, and are fully deserving of respect.  Doctors, nurses, technicians, care workers, orderlies, food / kitchen staff (even though the food is really not good!  Mass production truly destroys taste!!  That’s all!)

It’s almost a year ago that I got out of hospital after my spinal surgery.  I would very much like to spend less time in hospitals, so we will pray for that.  Remember, the object of the exercise is to help me resume a more normal life, reduce time in care and totally confound the doctors when my tumour miraculously heals!!  Let’s go on this!!  Good night, my dears.  Let’s get to work on that confounding!!  Lots and lots of prayer for healing of illnesses is needed!  Thanks all! 😘


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