
I’m going to have to start paying royalties for the floral photos… they are so utterly beautiful and they make me feel happy.  So nice!  OK, so the nurse has been here for 2 days, where he was able to just hook me up to the PICC line and I was able to disconnect it easily after it finished.  We chatted about the challenges of obtaining medical equipment, since I don’t have the handy little pump that automatically controls the rate of flow, and I rely on gravity, and the ability of my nurse to calculate how long (and how high) to hang the bag so it flows over 4-ish hours.  (We’re actually averaging 6, but no complaints)  Jerry does not approve at all, not in the slightest of me being attached to a pole, as he can’t just bounce on my lap and cuddle to his tiny heart’s content!  Don has begun using his cane in the house as his feet are painful.I’m working hard to not nag him about going to a doctor, because he’ll just get stubborn.  No further comment!!

I’m waiting, impatiently, for pictures from confirmation to arrive in my inbox.  Parents don’t seem to realize that aunts — especially those who can’t attend important ceremonies — NEED photos sent ASAP.  Even if the ceremony isn’t done yet.  That ends my venting.  I expect photos tonight, or there will be nagging!  I did get a quick glimpse of the makeup before getting dressed, because my lovely MUA goddaughter took pity on me and called.  I ❤️ her.  

My brother has been sending us short clips of Sesame Street for a while now.  We watched a lot of it growing up, and we — and our friends (and some of their kids) — frequently quote songs, skits, other muppet or cartoon bits.  So much so, that we can hold entire conversations based on Sesame Street.  I realized something surprising and wonderful.  Sesame Street is full of all kinds of advice for promoting diversity and inclusiveness.  That was so much a part of my life that it’s an impossibility for me even to consider excluding or ostracizing someone because of their looks or beliefs.  So I have to wonder how many people missed those lessons, or they didn’t learn them.  Maybe part of it is because they never saw different people so that diversity wasn’t a real thing?  I mean, if all the people around you look like you, you’re really not exposed to variety.  That would limit your ability to understand the similarities in how people are different.  (Yeah, that sounds odd.  But it’s true.)  I enjoy Sesame Street, even now.  Heck, saying “straw is light…” will elicit a response from many of my family and friends.  The ones who don’t need to learn the magic of that story.  

I recommend watching some old skits and songs.  It’s a lot of fun and it’s wonderful to learn these lessons to music or muppets.  I’ll go watch a couple more of them tonight, but I’m going to bed now because I’m tired.  That’s all for now… Good night!  Even with the alligator in the room! 😊


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