
Today marks the 61st anniversary of independence for Trinidad & Tobago. Congratulations to my home country on continuing to uphold the values of “every creed and race find an equal place” and embracing diversity in many forms. I’ve spoken before of the lessons I learnt growing up there, and the acceptance of difference, so I won’t rhapsodize about that now. My boys were up and planning things when we spoke this morning; Jerry seemed to be on high alert, with his little ears perked up. Then he heard my voice and snuggled up to Don, patted him on his tummy, stretched out his paw and tried to knock the phone from his hand! It was hard to talk, since Jerry would insist on inserting himself between Don and the phone, but would turn his back on me while we talked! Silly little boy. I’m still concerned about what Don is eating, although he says that he’s finished all the sweets and is now into protein and carbohydrates so it should be less of a wor...